Unifies sending messages across push, email, and SMS

This guide will walk you through the process of sending messages using OneSignal's API. It covers all options, nuances, and potential gotchas to ensure clarity and effectiveness. Before proceeding, make sure you have:

Select your target audience

Before sending a message, you need to determine who should receive it. OneSignal offers three targeting options:

  1. Aliases: Send messages to specific users using unique identifiers such as User IDs, email addresses, or phone numbers.
  2. Segments: Target predefined user groups based on attributes and behavior.
  3. Filters: Create custom targeting rules using user properties, such as tags, location, or activity.


Only one targeting method per message

You can only use one targeting method per message. For example, you cannot combine alias-based targeting with filters in the same request.

Additionally, when sending push notifications using any of these methods, you can choose to Target specific platforms, limiting your message to one or more platforms (Android, iOS, Web).

Aliases, email addresses, or phone numbers

Target specific users or groups of users (up to 20,000 entries). This method is best for Transactional Messages.

Users & subscriptions parameters (click to expand)


Type object


Targets specific users based on their External ID or custom Aliases. You may include up to 20,000 Alias IDs per API call. Use with the target_channel parameter to control the delivery channel.

Provide one object of aliases to include.

  • User's External ID – external_id
  • OneSignal ID – onesignal_id
  • Custom alias name – some_custom_alias


Send a message to the users identified by the External IDs "user1", "user2", and "user3" using the push channel.

  "include_aliases": {
    "external_id": [
  "target_channel": "push"


Type string


The delivery channel in which to deliver a message. Use in conjunction with include_aliases. Options:

  • "push" – send the message as a push notification
  • "email" - send the message as an email
  • "sms" - send the message as a text message


  "target_channel": "push"


Type string[]


Targets users based on their Subscription ID. Include up to 20,000 IDs per API call.


  "include_subscription_ids": [


Type string[]


Targets users based on their email address. Can only be used when sending Email. Include up to 20,000 IDs per API call. If the email address does not exist within the OneSignal App, then a new email Subscription will be created.


  "email_to": [
    "[email protected]"


Type string[]


Targets users based on their phone number in E.164 format. Can only be used when sending SMS/MMS. Include up to 20,000 IDs per API call. If the phone number does not exist within the OneSignal App, then a new SMS Subscription will be created.


  "include_phone_numbers": [


Target groups of users based on predefined Segments.

Segment parameters (click to expand)


Type string[]


The segments to target. Members of each segment will receive the notification unless they're also members of a segment specified in the optional excluded segments parameter. Users that are in multiple segments will only be sent the message once.


  "included_segments": [
    "Active Users",
    "Inactive Users"


Type string[]


Segments to exclude from targeting. Overrides membership in any segment specified in the included_segments parameter.


Target a message for customers who've spent $5K or more while excluding those deemed inactive, even if they are included in the segment "CLTV 5K".

  "included_segments": [
    "CLTV 5K"
  "excluded_segments": [
    "Inactive Users"


Use filters to target groups of users dynamically without creating predefined Segments.

Filters parameters (click to expand)


Type object[]


Filters allow you to dynamically define your message's audience based on their properties. They can be combined with "AND" and "OR" operators for complex targeting logic, enabling precise audience segmentation.

For performance reasons, a maximum of 200 entries can be used. The 200 entries limit includes the "field" entry and "OR" entries - each would count towards the 200 limit.

Filter performance:

  • Tag filters using an equality ("=") or "exists" operator are very fast.
  • Negation (eg. "!=" and "not_exists") is inherently more expensive to compute because it depends on how many tags per user are set. Upon request, it is sometimes possible for us to create a specific index on your application to address problems with negation.
  • Numeric ordering operators like "<" or ">" are slow by default. Note that upon special request, we can add a special index for specific tags to improve performance of these operators.
  • Filters on the "last_session", "session_count", and "country" fields are fast on their own or together, but when used with other filters such as tags can make the segment take longer to compute.

Available filters:

Filter property definitions (click to expand)



Allows you to combine or separate properties. Filters combined with an "AND" have higher priority than "OR" filters.

  • "AND" = the 2+ connected filters must be satisfied for the recipient to be included. Filter entries use this by default and its not required to be included.
  • "OR" = the 2 filters separated by the "OR" operator are mutually exclusive. The recipients only need to satisfy the conditions on either side of the "OR" operator.
// Users must satisfy both filters to be included.
// Notice the AND operator is not required 

"filters": [
  {"field": "tag", "key": "level", "relation": "=", "value": "10"},
  {"field": "amount_spent", "relation": ">","value": "0"}

// The same example using the AND operator. This is not required.
"filters": [
  {"field": "tag", "key": "level", "relation": "=", "value": "10"},
  {"operator": "AND"},
  {"field": "amount_spent", "relation": ">","value": "0"}
// Users can satisfy either filter to be included.

"filters": [
  {"field": "tag", "key": "level", "relation": "=", "value": "10"}, 
  {"operator": "OR"}, 
  {"field": "tag", "key": "level", "relation": "=", "value": "20"}
// In this example, users must either have:
// The specified session_count AND tag requirement
// Or it will be all records where last_session is satisfied
  "name": "2 filters or 1",
  "filters": [
    {"field": "session_count", "relation": ">", "value": "2"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "!=", "key": "tag_key", "value": "1"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "last_session", "relation": "<", "hours_ago": "30"}

// Similar to the first example, this shows how to require a specific field
// across other filters

  "name": "3 filters, 1 required across all",
  "filters": [
    {"field": "session_count", "relation": ">", "value": "2"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "!=", "key": "tag_key", "value": "1"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "last_session", "relation": "<", "hours_ago": "30"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "!=", "key": "tag_key", "value": "1"}

// Example of 3 user groups with 2 requirements
// (group_1 OR group_2 OR group_3) AND (requirement_1 OR requirement_2)

  "name": "3 groups with 2 requirements",
  "filters": [
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_1"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_1"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_1"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_2"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_2"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_1"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_2"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_2"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_3"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_1"},
    {"operator": "OR"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "group_3"},
    {"operator": "AND"},
    {"field": "tag", "relation": "exists", "key": "requirement_2"}



Maps to the Tags set on Users.

Do not use tags for targeting individual users like a "user id". Instead use External ID or custom Aliases and the include_aliases targeting property.

  • relation = ">", "<", "=", "!=", "exists", "not_exists", "time_elapsed_gt", (time elapsed greater than) and "time_elapsed_lt" (time elapsed less than)
    • The time_elapsed_gt/lt fields correspond to Time Operators and require a paid plan.
  • key = Tag key to compare.
  • value = Tag value to compare. Not required for "exists" or "not_exists".
"filters": [
  {"field": "tag", "key": "level", "relation": "=", "value": "10"}



Maps to the last active time the Subscriptions used the app.

  • relation = ">" or "<"
  • hours_ago = number of hours before or after the user's last session. Example: "1.1"
"filters": [
  {"field": "last_session", "relation": ">","hours_ago": "10"}



Maps to the first date and time the Users were created within OneSignal.

  • relation = ">" or "<"
  • hours_ago = number of hours before or after the user's first session. Example: "1.1"
"filters": [
  {"field": "first_session", "relation": "<","hours_ago": "24"}



Maps to the amount of sessions for the Subscriptions.

  • relation = ">", "<", "=" or "!="
  • value = number sessions. Example: "1"
"filters": [
  {"field": "session_count", "relation": ">","value": "5"}



Maps to the usage duration of your Subscriptions which is the total number of seconds they had your app open.

  • relation = ">" or "<"
  • value = Time in seconds the user has been in your app. Example: 1 day is "86400" seconds
"filters": [
  {"field": "session_time", "relation": ">","value": "86400"}



Maps to the language code of your Users. See Multi-Language Messaging for details and supported language codes.

  • relation = "=" or "!="
  • value = 2 character language code. Example: "en".
"filters": [
  {"field": "language", "relation": "=","value": "en"},
  {"operator": "OR"},
  {"field": "language", "relation": "=","value": "es"}



Maps to your app version set on Subscriptions.

  • relation = ">", "<", "=" or "!="
  • value = app version. Example: "1.0.0"
"filters": [
  {"field": "app_version", "relation": "=","value": "1.0.1"}



Maps to the GPS coordinates of the device. Location tracking must be turned on and accepted by the user. See Location-Triggered Notifications for more details.

  • radius = in meters
  • lat = latitude
  • long = longitude
"filters": [
  {"field": "location", "radius": "1000","lat": "37.77", "long":"-122.43"}



The amount of consumable in-app purchases made while our SDK was active on the mobile app.

If you have subscription-based purchases, a website, email-only, and/or SMS-only users, then you should consider using Tags instead.

  • relation = ">", "<", or "="
  • value = Amount in USD a user has spent on IAP (In App Purchases). Example: "0.99"
"filters": [
  {"field": "amount_spent", "relation": ">","value": "100"}



Maps to the purchases property on Users. The stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier for the purchased item.

  • relation = ">", "<" or "="
  • key = SKU purchased in your app as an IAP (In App Purchases). Example: "com.domain.100coinpack"
  • value = value of SKU to compare to. Example: "0.99"
"filters": [
  {"field": "bought_sku", "relation": ">","key":"com.domain.100coinpack","value": "10"}

Create your message

Each messaging channel has channel-specific parameters that can be included in the request body. For example, push and SMS use contents and email uses email_body .

This example shows sending the push or sms with message 'Hello, world' localized for Spanish, French, and Chinese. See Multi-language messaging for more details on localization.

// Message request body
  "contents": {
    "en": "Hello, world",
    "es": "Hola Mundo",
    "fr": "Bonjour le monde",
    "zh-Hans": "你好世界"

There are also general message parameters that can be used across all channels. For example, if you want to personalize your messages, you can use the template_id and custom_data to inject personalization into each message.

Schedule delivery

By default, messages will be sent immediately when the request is made. You can schedule them to be sent at a specific time and add per-user optimizations like timezone and last-active.


Type string


Schedule notifications for future delivery; defaults to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Align delivery with your target users' time zones so they're more likely to see it.

Specify the string according to the ISO 8601 calendar format. A heuristic you can use to determine whether we can parse your date-time string is whether Javascript's Date constructor can parse the string.


All of the following are valid and equivalent formats for the same date and time:

  • { "send_after": "Thu Sep 24 2015 14:00:00 GMT-0700 (PDT)" }
  • { "send_after": "2015-09-24 14:00:00 GMT-0700" }
  • { "send_after": "Sept 24 2015 14:00:00 GMT-0700" }


Type string


Choose how deliveries should be scheduled. Not compatible with Push Throttling, set throttle_rate_per_minute to 0 to disable throttling if enabled.

  • timezone – simultaneous across time zones at the same local time.
  • last-active – sends based on the user's Last Active Session.


Deliver the notification worldwide at 9 AM in each user's local time zone.

  "delayed_option": "timezone",
  "send_after": "2024-03-05T15:00:00.600Z"


Type string


Specify when the message should be delivered when the delayed_option parameter is "timezone". It's ideal for time-sensitive daily digests, reminders, or promotions.

  • Format the time as a string, which can be in various formats such as:
    • 12-hour e.g., "9:00AM"
    • 24-hour e.g., "21:45"
    • HH:mm:ss format - e.g., "9:45:30"


Schedule a notification for all users in the morning at 9:00 AM local time.

  "delayed_option": "timezone",
  "delivery_time_of_day": "9:00AM"

Submit the request

The final cURL request will send the message to All Subscribers in each recipient's local language.

curl -X "POST" "https://api.onesignal.com/notifications" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'Authorization: Key YOUR_API_KEY' \
     -d $'{
  "target_channel": "push",
  "included_segments": [
    "Subscribed Users"
  "app_id": "YOUR_APP_ID",
  "contents": {
    "en": "Hello, world",
    "es": "Hola mundo",
    "fr": "Bonjour le monde",
    "zh-Hans": "你好世界"

Next steps

Head to the API doc for the channel you'd like to use.

General message parameters


Type string


Serves as an internal identifier to help organize your notification campaigns. The name is not visible to the end-users and is used solely for your purposes within your campaign management workflow.

Assign meaningful names that reflect your notification campaign's purpose, content, or target audience to facilitate easier tracking and management of multiple campaigns.


Type string


Identifies a specific template configured within the dashboard or Create template API. See Templates for details.

Leveraging templates facilitates standardized messages across different campaigns, allowing for a cohesive customer experience and analytics to be aggregated at the template-level, which can be viewed on the dashboard.

Provide the UUID of the template, which can be found in the URL when viewing a template on our dashboard.


  "template_id": "be4a8044-bbd6-11e4-a581-000c2940e62c"


Type object


User-specific or context-specific information for Message Personalization.

  • The object must be in JSON format.
  • The payload may include up to 2,048 bytes for Push and SMS notifications and up to 10 kilobytes for email messages.


  "custom_data": {
    "cart_items": [
        "item_name": "sweater",
        "img_url": "https://store.onesignal.com/assets/sweater.png"
        "item_name": "socks",
        "img_url": "https://store.onesignal.com/assets/socks.png"


Type string as UUID


Acts as a correlation identifier and an idempotency key to prevent duplicate message deliveries. Idempotent Notification Requests enable you to send requests while ensuring users receive a message only once. Messages with the same idempotency_key send only one notification, and subsequent responses return the same result.

  • Keys must be unique v3 or v4 UUID format.
  • The key remains idempotent for 30 days, meaning any request with the same idempotency_key will not result in additional messages sent within this period. After 30 days, a notification with the same idempotency_key may be considered a new request and could result in a new message being sent.
  • This parameter used to be called external_id but has been updated to idempotency_key to reduce confusion with our User alias. Both will work in this case.


  "idempotency_key": "f47ac10b-58cc-4372-a567-0e02b2c3d479"