Delete templates from OneSignal.


This endpoint lets you delete an existing template. This will immediately remove the template in OneSignal. Special consideration for templates used in Journeys: Templates that are in use by a Journey cannot be deleted until the Journey itself, has been deleted.

How to use this API

This endpoint deletes a single template associated with a specific app. The response returns confirmation that the template was removed successfully.

Template ID

To delete a specific template, it must be identifiable via the required template_id path parameter.

The template_id is a UUID that can be obtained in several ways:

  • Use the View templates API.

  • In your OneSignal dashboard, navigate to Messages > Templates and find the template you wish to update. Get the UUID in the following ways:

    • Select the Options > Copy Template ID

      Copy Template ID.

      Copy Template ID.

    • In the URL when viewing the template

Template ID in the URL when viewing the template.

Template ID in the URL when viewing the template.
