
OneSignal Reusable Push Notification, SMS, and Email Templates

Templates are reusable designs for push notifications, emails, and SMS. They support liquid syntax for Message Personalization and can be created through the OneSignal dashboard or using the Create template API.

Templates can be transferred between OneSignal apps with the Copy template to other app API.

Email Templates can be created quickly with Email Template Forwarding.

Designing message

For details on all the different parameters associated with messages, see the following guides:

Sending Messages using Templates

To send a message using an existing template, click the Options button (three dots), and click New Message.


Image showing ability to create new template

This will pre-populate the template options you've set into a new message. You can override these options (such as changing text, an icon, etc) when creating a message, by simply filling in different options.

Template Stats

Whenever you send a message with a template, its overall performance is tracked by OneSignal in the Templates page of your Dashboard.

Best practice is to have different templates for each use case so you can monitor how well your template campaigns are converting.


Image showing templates with sent, opened and clicked stats

NameName of the template.
TypePush, Email, or SMS.
SentThe number of subscriptions in which this template was delivered. For example, if you send the template once but target 793 subscriptions, it will show 793.
OpenedPush: The unique number of times the push was clicked leading to app open.
Email: The total number of times the email was opened.
SMS: Not Applicable.
ClickedPush: Not Applicable.
Email: The total number of times a link in the email was clicked.
SMS: Not Applicable.
Conversion(Opened / Sent) x 100%


Where is the template id?

The template_id is a UUID that can be obtained in several ways:

  • Use the View templates API.

  • In your OneSignal dashboard, navigate to Messages > Templates and find the template you wish to update. Get the UUID in the following ways:

    • Select the Options > Copy Template ID

      Copy Template ID.

      Copy Template ID.

    • In the URL when viewing the template

Template ID in the URL when viewing the template.

Template ID in the URL when viewing the template.

Can I duplicate templates across apps?

Yes, there is the Copy template to other app API and Email Template Forwarding.