Updates the name or configuration settings of an existing OneSignal app

This method can be used to update the name or configuration settings of one of your existing apps.


Requires User Authentication Key

Requires your OneSignal User Auth Key, available in Account & API Keys.


Same as POST /apps

The supported parameters are the same as the parameters for creating an application. You will get all data back on the updated app in the response.


Updating Some Platforms Requires All Attributes To Be Set

Updating some platforms like Safari web push requires all parameters to be set (even if they are unchanged) in order for the update to be processed.

  • To update only your app name, you can pass in only a new app name parameter.
  • To update Android, be sure to pass in gcm_key.
  • To update Chrome Apps & Extensions, be sure to pass in chrome_key.
  • To update Chrome web push, be sure to pass in chrome_web_origin.
  • To update Safari web push, you must pass in all of these parameters: safari_apns_p12, safari_apns_p12_password, site_name, and safari_site_origin. Most users use our auto-generated Safari web ID. If you use our auto-generated Safari web ID, please set safari_apns_p12 to "" and safari_apns_p12_password to "".
  • To update iOS, you must pass in apns_env.


Getting the basic_auth_key

For security reasons, the basic_auth_key value in the HTTP response will be returned as null by default. Please contact OneSignal support if you would like this API to return this value and we can enable it for you.
