Modify a user's properties.


Compatibility with Pre-User Model SDKs and APIs

If you are still using pre-User Model APIs or SDKs (Mobile SDKs version 4 or lower, Web SDKs version 15 or lower), we recommend thorough testing of this endpoint before switching to the new User Model. Discrepancies may occur where the External ID set through the SDK and the External ID set through the API do not generate matching OneSignal IDs.

To ensure a smooth transition, consider the following options:


Use this API to update properties on existing users within a specific OneSignal app.

If you want to update the user's identity like external_id or custom Aliases, use the Create alias and Delete alias APIs.

If you want to update a user's subscriptions, use the Create subscription (by alias) or Create user APIs.

How to use this API

You must first have a User created.

Identify your user

To update a user, they must be identifiable via the alias_label and alias_id in the path parameters. The most commonly used and recommended alias is the external_id, but you can also use the onesignal_id or a custom alias. See Users and Aliases for details.

Update properties

This API does not update the user's identity

Body parameters


Type object


Lets you specify user data, including tags and activity.

User data helps you personalize your user experience, track user behavior, and improve engagement through targeted push notifications, emails, and text messages.

The user properties object represents a user's profile, including tags, user activity, and other relevant properties.

User properties definitions (click to expand)


Type object


Custom user events or properties are represented as key-value pairs. These tags can be used for various purposes, such as segmentation, personalization, and tracking user behavior. For more details, see Data Tags.

  • Only string key-value pairs are supported; arrays and other nested objects are not.
  • Use tags to specify attributes or events related to a user, enabling targeted engagement and personalized experiences.


Type string


Language Abbreviation in ISO 639-1 format.

  • Specify the user's preferred language to tailor content and notifications to their linguistic preferences; the default is en.
  • Must be lowercase.


Type string


Timezone ID based on the tz database "TZ identifier".

  • Use the timezone ID to schedule notifications and other time-sensitive communications per the user's local time.
  • The default is America/Los_Angeles


Type number


The user's current latitude.

  • Latitude data can be used for location-based targeting and personalized content delivery.
  • Acceptable values range between -90 to 90.


Type number


The user's current longitude.

  • Longitude data, when paired with latitude, enables precise geographic targeting.
  • Acceptable values range between -180 to 180.


Type string


Country code in ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format.

  • Use the country code to localize content.
  • Must be upper-case.


Type number


The time the user was first created. Represented as a Unix timestamp in seconds.

  • Enables you to calculate the duration of a user's engagement from the first interaction.


Type number


The most recent time the user was active in your app. Represented as a Unix timestamp in seconds.

  • Use this field to gauge user engagement and inactivity to and trigger re-engagement campaigns.


Type string


The user's IP address.

  • Typically included in the response from our API
  • Useful for geographical targeting.
  • Can be specified in IPv4 or IPv6 format.


  "properties": {
    "tags": {
      "foo": "bar",
      "this": "that"
    "language": "en",
    "timezone_id": "America/Los_Angeles",
    "lat": 37.7749,
    "long": -122.4194,
    "country": "US",
    "first_active": 1589788800,
    "last_active": 1589788800,
    "purchases": 0,
    "ip": 3232235777


Type object


User properties that change frequently and generally only increment.

User deltas definitions (click to expand)


Type number


The amount of time the user has had the app open is measured in seconds.

  • Use this metric to track user engagement and app usage patterns over time.


Type number


The number of times the user has opened the app.

  • This metric helps you to identify users who should be re-engaged.


Type object


A list of SKUs with purchase data. If using our SDKs, we only collect consumable in-app purchases for mobile apps.

If you have subscription-based purchases, a website, email-only, and/or SMS-only users, then you should consider using Data Tags instead.


Type string


The stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier for the purchased item.

  • Use this identifier to track specific items purchased by the user.
  • Defaults to item if not specified.


Type string


Currency code in ISO 4217 format.

• Specify the currency used for the transaction. Ensure it aligns with the user’s location and preferences.


Type number


The amount spent on the purchase.

  • Specify the monetary value of the purchase, formatted as a decimal.


Type number


The number of units purchased.

  • Track the number of items purchased to better understand user behavior and preferences.
