React Native - 4.0 API Changes


Out of Beta

This reference includes changes from version 3 to version 4, including breaking changes. For the full React Native SDK reference, click here.

Read the following reference documentation carefully. If you are migrating from an older version, go through your existing code and cross-reference it with the changes listed in this reference to ensure a smooth migration. Make sure to make all the changes necessary and test them thoroughly.

Notable Changes:

  • Initialization is now done differently
  • postNotification change
  • Event Listeners are now added and cleared differently
  • Foreground notification control
  • New handlers and observer setters/adders
  • getDeviceState to get device info
  • Typescript typings


setAppId Function

In version 4, we are simplifying initialization. OneSignal initialization now only requires that you set the application ID.

You can call setAppId at any point in your app's flow. This allows full initialization to be delayed until say, a user logs in.

OneSignal.init(appId, {kOSSettingsKeyAutoPrompt : true});OneSignal.setAppId(appId);

New Functions

setAppId()* Required: Set the OneSignal app id.
addPermissionObserver()Add a callback that fires when the native push permission changes.
addSubscriptionObserver()Add a callback that fires when the OneSignal subscription state changes.
addEmailSubscriptionObserver()Add a callback that fires when the OneSignal email subscription changes.
setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler()Set the callback to run just before displaying a notification while the app is in focus.
setInAppMessageClickHandler()Set the callback to run on in-app message click.
setNotificationOpenedHandler()Set the callback to run on notification open.
disablePush()Disable the push notification subscription to OneSignal.
clearHandlers()Clears all handlers and observers. Call in componentWillUnmount().
getDeviceState()Gets information about the device.

Changed Functions

postNotification Function (as of beta.4)

In version 4, the postNotification function has been simplified to take a simple JSON string formatted as a request payload for the notification create call of the REST API.


const { userId } = await OneSignal.getDeviceState();

const notificationObj = {
  contents: {en: "Message Body"},
  include_player_ids: [userId]

const jsonString = JSON.stringify(notificationObj);

OneSignal.postNotification(jsonString, (success) => {
  console.log("Success:", success);
}, (error) => {
  console.log("Error:", error );

cancelNotification Function (as of beta.5)

In version 4, the cancelNotification function (Android only) has been renamed to removeNotification. This function is used to remove a notification from the Android shade by supplying the Android notification identifier.

Removed Functions


In version 4, there are several functions you should remove.

Deprecated FunctionsReplacement
init()Half of the initialization process is now done for you automatically. Call setAppId to complete initialization.
addEventListener()Event listeners have been replaced by the handler & observer setters and adders like setInAppMessageClickHandler or addPermissionObserver.
clearListeners()Replaced by clearHandlers()
registerForPushNotifications()This is achieved by existing function promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse().
requestPermissions()This is achieved by existing function promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse().
configure()No replacement. The ids event no longer exists.
checkPermissions()Replaced by getDeviceState()
promptForPushNotificationPermissions()This is achieved by existing function promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse().
getPermissionSubscriptionState()Replaced by getDeviceState()
enableVibrate()No replacement.
enableSound()No replacement.
inFocusDisplaying()Replaced by setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler() functionality.
setSubscription()Replaced by disablePush() functionality.

New Functions

Foreground Notification Control

In version 4, you can now specifically read notification data that will display while the app is in focus as well as change the display type dynamically. This allows developers to have even greater control over the notification experience.

Replaces inFocusDisplaying() functionality.

setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler Function

Runs before displaying a notification while the app is in focus. Use this handler to decide if the notification should show or not.

Note: this runs after the Notification Service Extension which can be used to modify the notification before showing it (native code).

The callback accepts a parameter OSNotification.

OneSignal.setNotificationWillShowInForegroundHandler(notificationReceivedEvent => {
  console.log("OneSignal: notification will show in foreground:", notificationReceivedEvent);
  let notification = notificationReceivedEvent.getNotification();
  console.log("notification: ", notification);
  const data = notification.additionalData
  console.log("additionalData: ", data);

the callback argument object has two functions:

complete()Show Notification:
Pass the notification to this function in order to display it while the app is in the foreground.

Silence Notification:
If you would like to silence the notification, call complete() with no argument.
getNotification()Retrieves the notification object.

This returned object is of class (OSNotification).


setInAppMessageClickHandler Function

Set the callback to run on an In-App Message click.

OneSignal.setInAppMessageClickHandler(event => {
	console.log("OneSignal IAM clicked:", event);
click_nameAn optional click name entered defined by the app developer when creating the IAM.
click_url An optional URL that opens when the action takes place.
closes_message Whether tapping on the element closed the In-App Message.
first_click Whether this was the first action taken on the in app message.
outcomes Outcome for action.

Mainly useful for debugging
prompts Permission prompts.

Mainly useful for debugging
tags Tags for action.

Mainly useful for debugging
url_target Determines where the URL is opened, ie.

Mainly useful for debugging

setNotificationOpenedHandler Function

Set the callback to run on notification open/click.

OneSignal.setNotificationOpenedHandler(openedEvent => {
	console.log("OneSignal: notification opened:", openedEvent);
  const { action, notification } = openedEvent;

openedEvent fields:

actionThe action the user took on the notification.

0) notification was clicked
1) button was clicked
notificationThe notification the user received.

Of class OSNotification



Replaces addEventListener functionality.

These observers listen to events that will fire and execute the given callback.

Each callback you pass to an observer adder function will receive a state change object when fired that contains two parameters: to and from. The parameters on those objects are the same between the two. This format allows for the detection of the previous state and the new state.

Example: a change in the subscription state of the device might see the isSubscribed parameter change from false to true. You can detect the change by the event.from.isSubscribed and objects.

Important: as designated by the "add" prefix to these functions, it is possible to add multiple callbacks to the same event. The callbacks will then fire independently when the event occurs. (Related: see clearHandlers function).

addPermissionObserver Function

Add a callback that fires when the native push permission changes.

Change event parameters:

areNotificationsEnabled (Android)Whether the device-level permission is granted or denied (boolean).
hasPrompted (iOS)Did the user answer the notification permission prompt.
provisional (iOS)Is provisional push authorization enabled.
status (iOS)0 - "NotDetermined" - The user hasn't yet made a choice about whether the app is allowed to schedule notifications.

1 - "Denied" - The app isn't authorized to schedule or receive notifications.

2 - "Authorized" - The app is authorized to schedule or receive notifications.

3 - "Provisional" - The application is provisionally authorized to post noninterruptive user notifications. See iOS Customizations

4 - "Ephemeral" - For App Clips. The app is authorized to schedule or receive notifications for a limited amount of time.

addSubscriptionObserver Function

Add a callback that fires when the OneSignal subscription state changes.

Change event parameters:

userIdThe OneSignal player identifier.
pushTokenThe native push token identifier used by FCM / HMS / FireOS / APNs.
isPushDisabledIs push disabled (disablePush was called).
isSubscribedWhether the player is subscribed to OneSignal.

addEmailSubscriptionObserver Function

Add a callback that fires when the OneSignal email subscription changes.

Change event parameters:

emailAddressThe email address associated with this player record.
emailUserIdThe UUID associated with the email record.
isSubscribedWhether the associated email record is subscribed to OneSignal messaging.


OneSignal.addPermissionObserver(event => {
    console.log("OneSignal: permission changed:", event);

OneSignal.addSubscriptionObserver(event => {
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed event:", event);
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from userId:", event.from.userId);
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to userId:",;
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from pushToken:", event.from.pushToken);
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to pushToken:",;
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from isPushDisabled:", event.from.isPushDisabled);
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to isPushDisabled:",;
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from isSubscribed:", event.from.isSubscribed);
  console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to isSubscribed:",;

OneSignal.addEmailSubscriptionObserver((event) => {
    console.log("OneSignal: email subscription changed: ", event);

Other Functions

getDeviceState Function

Returns an OSDeviceState object with device info.


Do not cache OSDeviceState object

This method returns a "snapshot" of the device state for when it was called. Make sure to call getDeviceState again to get the latest state.

const deviceState = await OneSignal.getDeviceState();

deviceState parameters:

isSubscribedGet whether the device is subscribed to receive OneSignal push notifications.
hasNotificationPermissionGet whether notifications are enabled on the device at the app level.
This is the same value as Android's.
isPushDisabledWas push disabled with disablePush.
userIdGet the OneSignal user (player) id
pushTokenGet device's push token.
This can be one of the following depending on the device:
- Google FCM token
- Huawei HMS token
- FireOS token
emailUserIdGet the OneSignal user email id.
Only available if OneSignal.setEmail() was called.
emailAddressGet the user email address.
Only available if OneSignal.setEmail() was called.
isEmailSubscribedIs there an associated email record that is subscribed to OneSignal messaging.

disablePush Function

Use this function to opt users out of receiving all notifications through OneSignal.


clearHandlers Function

Clears all handlers and observers.


While this function clears both handlers AND observers, it is mainly useful for the observers since multiple observers can be added to a single event. React Native hot-reloading can lead to the buildup of these observers while in the dev environment which will result in multiple firings of the given callbacks. To avoid this, call in componentWillUnmount().

Other Additions / Changes

OSNotificationContains all notification properties such as title, body, additionalData, etc...

OSNotification Object

In version 4, the OSNotification class is composed of all notification properties in a single object. This is the object passed into the notificationWillShowInForeground handler.

additionalDataCustom additional data that was sent with the notification. Set on the dashboard under Options > Additional Data or with the data field on the REST API.
notificationIdThe OneSignal notification UUID.
bodyThe body text of the notification.
titleThe title text of the notification.
launchURLThe URL opened when opening the notification.
actionButtonsThe list of action buttons on the notification.
soundThe sound resource played when the notification is shown.
rawPayloadThe raw JSON payload string received from OneSignal.
largeIcon (Android)The large icon set on the notification.
bigPicture (Android)The big picture image set on the notification.
smallIcon (Android)The small icon resource name set on the notification.
smallIconAccentColor (Android)The accent color shown around small notification icon on Android 5+ devices. ARGB format.
ledColor (Android)LED string. Devices that have a notification LED will blink in this color. ARGB format.
collapseId (Android)The collapse id for the notification.
priority (Android)The priority of the notification. Values range from -2 to 2 (see Android's NotificationCompat reference for more info.
fromProjectNumber (Android)The Google project number the notification was sent under.
groupKey (Android)Notifications with this same key will be grouped together as a single summary notification.
groupMessage (Android)The summary text displayed in the summary notification.
lockScreenVisibility (Android)Privacy setting for how the notification should be shown on the lockscreen of Android 5+ devices.

1 (Default) - Public (fully visible)
0 - Private (Contents are hidden)
-1 - Secret (not shown).
badge (iOS)The badge number assigned to the application icon.
category (iOS)Notification category key previously registered to display with.
threadId (iOS)iOS 10+ only. Groups notifications into threads.
subtitle (iOS)The message subtitle.
attachments (iOS)iOS 10+ only. Attachments sent as part of the rich notification.
templateId (iOS)Unique Template Identifier.
templateName (iOS)Name of Template.
mutableContent (iOS)True when the key mutable-content is set to 1 in the APNS payload.

See Apple's documentation for more details.
badgeIncrement (iOS)The amount to increment the badge icon number.
contentAvailable (iOS)True when the key content-available is set to 1 in the APNS payload. Used to wake your app when the payload is received.

See Apple's documentation for more details.