v3-4 Client SDK Reference
Comprehensive reference of OneSignal's SDK methods
Device model docs
The methods below require the OneSignal SDK Versions 3 & 4.
It is recommended to upgrade to our version 5 SDKs to Update to User Model.
Initializing OneSignal
These methods serve as a reference and are just a single step in the set up process. Make sure to follow the steps for your particular configuration here:
//See Android SDK Setup for details https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/android-sdk-setup
//See iOS SDK Setup for details https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/ios-sdk-setup
//See iOS SDK Setup for details https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/ios-sdk-setup
[OneSignal initWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
[OneSignal setAppId:@"YOUR_ONESIGNAL_APP_ID"];
/* This is for Expo Bare Workflows. If using a managed workflow,
see the Expo set up guide (https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/react-native-expo-sdk-setup)*/
//Place code in your index.js/main.js
//Remove this method to stop OneSignal Debugging
OneSignal.shared.setLogLevel(OSLogLevel.verbose, OSLogLevel.none);
// The promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse function will show the iOS push notification prompt. We recommend removing the following code and instead using an In-App Message to prompt for notification permission
OneSignal.shared.promptUserForPushNotificationPermission().then((accepted) {
print("Accepted permission: $accepted");
Don't see your init method?
We have a number of SDK's with multiple options for initialization within. If you don't see an init method listed for your particular environment, please follow the links above!
MethodEnable logging to help debug if you run into an issue setting up OneSignal. This selector is static, so you can call it before OneSignal init. For websites see Debugging with Browser Tools.
Parameters | Type | Description |
logLevel | LOG_LEVEL | Sets the logging level to print to the Android LogCat log or Xcode log. |
visualLevel | LOG_LEVEL | Sets the logging level to show as alert dialogs. |
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
OneSignal.setLogLevel(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.NONE);
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
OneSignal.setLogLevel(.LL_VERBOSE, visualLevel: .LL_NONE)
////The following options are available with increasingly more information:
[OneSignal setLogLevel:ONE_S_LL_VERBOSE visualLevel:ONE_S_LL_NONE];
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
//None, Fatal, Error, Warn, Info, Debug, Verbose
OneSignal.Default.LogLevel = LogLevel.Info;
OneSignal.Default.AlertLevel = LogLevel.Error;
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
//0 = NONE, 1 = FATAL, 2 = ERROR, 3 = WARN, 4 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG, 6 = VERBOSE
OneSignal.setLogLevel(6, 0);
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
//none, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, verbose
OneSignal.shared.setLogLevel(OSLogLevel.verbose, OSLogLevel.none);
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
//0 = NONE, 1 = FATAL, 2 = ERROR, 3 = WARN, 4 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG, 6 = VERBOSE
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.setLogLevel({logLevel: 6, visualLevel: 0});
//The following options are available with increasingly more information:
// Needs: using Com.OneSignal.Abstractions;
OneSignal.Default.LogLevel = LogLevel.VERBOSE;
-- The following options are available with increasingly more information:
--0 = NONE, 1 = FATAL, 2 = ERROR, 3 = WARN, 4 = INFO, 5 = DEBUG, 6 = VERBOSE
OneSignal.SetLogLevel(6, 0)
External User Ids
OneSignal creates and stores device & channel level data under a unique OneSignal Id called the subscription_id
(formerly calledplayer_id
). A single user can have multiple subscription_id
records based on how many devices, email addresses, and phone numbers they use to interact with your app/site.
You can combine subscription_id
records in OneSignal under a unique User Id called the external_id
See the External User Ids guide for more details.
If you have a backend server, we strongly recommend using Identity Verification with your users. Your backend can generate an identifier authentication token and send it to your site.
The OneSignal SDK setExternalUserId
method should be called when the user logs into the app/site and within the callback of the setEmail
and setSMSNumber
methods to link the records together.
let externalUserId = "123456789"; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
OneSignal.push(function() {
String externalUserId = "123456789"; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 4.0.0+
OneSignal.setExternalUserId(externalUserId, new OneSignal.OSExternalUserIdUpdateCompletionHandler() {
public void onSuccess(JSONObject results) {
try {
if (results.has("push") && results.getJSONObject("push").has("success")) {
boolean isPushSuccess = results.getJSONObject("push").getBoolean("success");
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "Set external user id for push status: " + isPushSuccess);
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
if (results.has("email") && results.getJSONObject("email").has("success")) {
boolean isEmailSuccess = results.getJSONObject("email").getBoolean("success");
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "Set external user id for email status: " + isEmailSuccess);
} catch (JSONException e) {
try {
if (results.has("sms") && results.getJSONObject("sms").has("success")) {
boolean isSmsSuccess = results.getJSONObject("sms").getBoolean("success");
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "Set external user id for sms status: " + isSmsSuccess);
} catch (JSONException e) {
public void onFailure(OneSignal.ExternalIdError error) {
// The results will contain channel failure statuses
// Use this to detect if external_user_id was not set and retry when a better network connection is made
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "Set external user id done with error: " + error.toString());
let externalUserId = "123456789" // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 3.0.0+
OneSignal.setExternalUserId(externalUserId, withSuccess: { results in
// The results will contain push and email success statuses
print("External user id update complete with results: ", results!.description)
// Push can be expected in almost every situation with a success status, but
// as a pre-caution its good to verify it exists
if let pushResults = results!["push"] {
print("Set external user id push status: ", pushResults)
if let emailResults = results!["email"] {
print("Set external user id email status: ", emailResults)
if let smsResults = results!["sms"] {
print("Set external user id sms status: ", smsResults)
}, withFailure: {error in
print("Set external user id done with error: " + error.debugDescription)
NSString* externalUserId = @"123456789"; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 3.0.0+
[OneSignal setExternalUserId:externalUserId withSuccess:^(NSDictionary *results) {
// The results will contain push and email success statuses
NSLog(@"External user id update complete with results: %@", results.description);
// Push can be expected in almost every situation with a success status, but
// as a pre-caution its good to verify it exists
if (results[@"push"] && results[@"push"][@"success"])
NSLog(@"Set external user id push status: %@", results[@"push"][@"success"]);
// Verify the email is set or check that the results have an email success status
if (results[@"email"] && results[@"email"][@"success"])
NSLog(@"Set external user id email status: %@", results[@"email"][@"success"]);
// Verify the number is set or check that the results have an sms success status
if (results[@"sms"] && results[@"sms"][@"success"])
NSLog(@"Set external user id sms status: %@", results[@"sms"][@"success"]);
} withFailure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"External user id update failed with error: %@", error);
// or
var result = await OneSignal.Default.SetExternalUserId("123456789");
if (result) {
let externalUserId = '123456789'; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 3.9.3+
OneSignal.setExternalUserId(externalUserId, (results) => {
// The results will contain push and email success statuses
console.log('Results of setting external user id');
// Push can be expected in almost every situation with a success status, but
// as a pre-caution its good to verify it exists
if (results.push && results.push.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id push status:');
// Verify the email is set or check that the results have an email success status
if (results.email && results.email.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id email status:');
// Verify the number is set or check that the results have an sms success status
if (results.sms && results.sms.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id sms status:');
let externalUserId = '123456789'; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 3.9.3+
OneSignal.shared.setExternalUserId(externalUserId).then((results) {
}).catchError((error) {
let externalUserId = '123456789'; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 2.11.2+
window.plugins.OneSignal.setExternalUserId(externalUserId, (results) => {
// The results will contain push and email success statuses
console.log('Results of setting external user id');
// Push can be expected in almost every situation with a success status, but
// as a pre-caution its good to verify it exists
if (results.push && results.push.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id push status:');
// Verify the email is set or check that the results have an email success status
if (results.email && results.email.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id email status:');
// Verify the number is set or check that the results have an sms success status
if (results.sms && results.sms.success) {
console.log('Results of setting external user id sms status:');
string externalUserId = "123456789"; // You will supply the external user id to the OneSignal SDK
// Setting External User Id with Callback Available in SDK Version 3.8.0+
//Callback available in SDK Version 3.8.0+
private static void OneSignalSetExternalUserId(Dictionary<string, object> results)
// The results will contain push and email success statuses
Debug.WriteLine("External user id updated with results: " + Json.Serialize(results));
// Push can be expected in almost every situation with a success status, but
// as a pre-caution its good to verify it exists
if (results.ContainsKey("push"))
Dictionary<string, object> pushStatusDict = results["push"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (pushStatusDict.ContainsKey("success"))
Debug.WriteLine("External user id updated for push with results: " + pushStatusDict["success"] as string);
// Verify the email is set or check that the results have an email success status
if (results.ContainsKey("email"))
Dictionary<string, object> emailStatusDict = results["email"] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (emailStatusDict.ContainsKey("success"))
Debug.WriteLine("External user id updated for email with results: " + emailStatusDict["success"] as string);
If you have a backend server, we strongly recommend using Identity Verification with your users. Your backend can generate an identifier authentication token and send it to your site.
Warning - Android SDK Data Synchronization
The OneSignal Android SDKs leverage cacheing on
and Data Tags.If setting
through the Edit device API Endpoint, then use the same endpoint to remove theexternal_user_id
upon the user logging out of the app.The
method will not work unless theexternal_user_id
is set first with thesetExternalUserId
method on Android.This is only applicable on the OneSignal Android Mobile App SDKs.
Data Tags are custom key : value
pairs of string or number data you set on users based on events or user data of your choosing. See Data Tags Overview for more details on what tags are used for.
See Data Tag Implementation for SDK Method details.
User Data
Methods to get the OneSignal Subscription ID, subscription status, prompt status and push token.
Use addPermissionObserver
or addSubscriptionObserver
to react to changes. For example, update your server when the user becomes subscribed or unsubscribed, and to get the OneSignal Subscription Id.
If you need to store the OneSignal Subscription Id within your backend, you can make a REST API call directly from the observer's callback. The OneSignal observer fires only when there is a change (including not firing even if the app has been restarted). This helps ensure you are not making unnecessary network calls to your backend on each app restart if nothing changed.
Getting User Properties
Push Notification Properties
If getDeviceState() is called too early it will be
or no available. Use to load your UI to the correct state. Such as showing a toggle button to enable notifications.
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
OSDeviceState device = OneSignal.getDeviceState();
//Get the OneSignal Push Subscription Id
String userId = device.getUserId();
//Get device's push token identifier
String getPushToken = device.getPushToken();
//Get whether notifications are enabled on the device at the app level
boolean areNotificationsEnabled = device.areNotificationsEnabled();
//The device's push subscription status
boolean isSubscribed = device.isSubscribed();
//Returns value of pushDisabled method
boolean isPushDisabled = device.isPushDisabled();
//Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
if let deviceState = OneSignal.getDeviceState() {
//Status of ability to send push notifications to the current device (See status chart below)
let notificationPermissionStatus = deviceState.notificationPermissionStatus.rawValue
print("Device's notification permission status: ", notificationPermissionStatus)
// Get the OneSignal Push Player Id
let userId = deviceState.userId
print("OneSignal Push Player ID: ", userId ?? "called too early, not set yet")
//Get device's push token identifier
let pushToken = deviceState.pushToken
print("Device's push token: ", pushToken ?? "called too early or not set yet" )
// Get whether notifications are enabled on the device at the app level
let hasNotificationPermission = deviceState.hasNotificationPermission
print("Has device allowed push permission at some point: ", hasNotificationPermission)
// The device's push subscription status
let isSubscribed = deviceState.isSubscribed
print("Device is subscribed to push notifications: ", isSubscribed)
// Returns value of pushDisabled method
let isPushDisabled = deviceState.isPushDisabled
print("Push notifications are disabled with disablePush method: ", isPushDisabled)
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
OSDeviceState *deviceState = [OneSignal getDeviceState];
//Get the OneSignal Push Player Id
NSString *userId = deviceState.userId;
//Get device's push token identifier
NSString *pushToken = deviceState.pushToken;
//The device's push subscription status
BOOL subscribed = deviceState.isSubscribed;
//Status of ability to send push notifications to the current device (See status chart below)
var currentStatus = OneSignal.Default.NotificationPermission;
if (currentStatus == NotificationPermission.NotDetermined) {
// do if user was not prompted
//The unique OneSignal id of this subscription
var pushUserId = OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState.userId;
//The device's push subscription status
var pushState = OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState;
//The unique token provided by the device's operating system used to send push notifications
var pushToken = OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState.pushToken;
//Returns value of pushDisabled method
var isPushDisabled = OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState.isPushDisabled;
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
const deviceState = await OneSignal.getDeviceState();
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
OneSignal.shared.getDeviceState().then((deviceState) {
print("OneSignal: device state: ${deviceState.jsonRepresentation()}");
/The unique OneSignal id of this subscription
var playerId = deviceState?.userId;
//Get device's push token identifier
var pushToken = deviceState?.pushToken;
//The device's push subscription status
var pushState = deviceState?.subscribed;
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.getDeviceState(function(stateChanges) {
console.log('OneSignal getDeviceState: ' + JSON.stringify(stateChanges));
Notification Permission Statuses
Name | Status |
0 - Not Determined | The user hasn't yet made a choice about whether the app is allowed to schedule notifications. |
1 - Denied | The application is not authorized to post user notifications. |
2 - Authorized | The application is authorized to post user notifications. |
3 - Provisional | The application is provisionally authorized to post noninterruptive user notifications. See iOS Customizations |
4 - Ephemeral | For App Clips. The app is authorized to schedule or receive notifications for a limited amount of time. |
Email User Properties
//The following methods are only available if `SetEmail` was called
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
OSDeviceState device = OneSignal.getDeviceState();
//Get the OneSignal Email Subscription Id
String emailUserId = device.getEmailUserId();
//Get the email address tied to the device
String emailAddress = device.getEmailAddress();
//This device's email subscription status
boolean isEmailSubscribed = device.isEmailSubscribed();
//The following methods are only available if `SetEmail` was called
if let deviceState = OneSignal.getDeviceState() {
//Get the OneSignal Email Player Id
let emailAddress = deviceState.emailAddress
print("Email Address tied to this device with setEmail: ", emailAddress ?? "called too early or not set yet" )
//Get the email address tied to the device
let emailUserId = deviceState.emailUserId
print("OneSignal Email player ID: ", emailUserId ?? "called too early or not set yet")
//This device's email subscription status
let isEmailSubscribed = deviceState.isEmailSubscribed
print("is the email address tied to this record subscribed to receive email: ", isEmailSubscribed)
//The following methods are only available if `SetEmail` was called
//Get the OneSignal Email Player Id
var emailUserId = OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionState.emailUserId
//Get the email address tied to the device
var emailAddress = OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionState.emailAddress
//This device's email subscription status
var isSubscribed = OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionState.isSubscribed
SMS User Properties
//The following methods are only available if `SetSMSNumber` was called
// Returns an `OSDeviceState` object with the current immediate device state info
OSDeviceState device = OneSignal.getDeviceState();
// Get the SMS Phone Number tied to the device. Only available if OneSignal.setSMSNumber() was called.
String smsUserId = device.getSMSUserId();
//Get the phone number tied to the device
String smsNumber = device.getSMSNumber();
//This device's SMS subscription status
boolean isSMSSubscribed = device.isSMSSubscribed();
//The following methods are only available if `SetSMSNumber` was called
if let deviceState = OneSignal.getDeviceState() {
//Get the OneSignal SMS Player Id
let smsUserId = deviceState.smsUserId
print("OneSignal SMS player ID: ", smsUserId ?? "called too early or not set yet")
//Get the phone number tied to the device
let smsNumber = deviceState.smsNumber
print("Phone Number tied to this device with setSMSNumber: ", smsNumber ?? "called too early or not set yet" )
//This device's SMS subscription status
let isSMSSubscribed = deviceState.isSMSSubscribed
print("is the phone number tied to this record subscribed to receive sms: ", isSMSSubscribed)
//The following methods are only available if `SetSMSNumber` was called
//Get the OneSignal SMS Player Id
string smsUserId = OneSignal.Default.SMSSubscriptionState.smsUserId
//Get the phone number tied to the device
string smsNumber = OneSignal.Default.SMSSubscriptionState.smsNumber
//This device's SMS subscription status
bool isSubscribed = OneSignal.Default.SMSSubscriptionState.isSubscribed
User Data Change Events
Handling Notification Permission Changes
The onOSPermissionChanged
method will be fired on the passed-in object when a notification permission setting changes.
This includes the following events:
- Notification permission prompt shown (iOS)
- The user accepting or declining the permission prompt (iOS)
- Enabling or disabling notifications for your app in the App Settings and after returning to your app
Instance is given to your onOSPermissionChanged
method, which provides what the value was ("from") and what the value is now ("to").
Any object implementing the OSPermissionObserver
and/or the OSSubscriptionObserver
protocols can be added as an observer. You can call removePermissionObserver
to remove any existing listeners.
OneSignal uses a weak reference to the observer to prevent leaks.
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OSPermissionObserver {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onOSPermissionChanged(OSPermissionStateChanges stateChanges) {
if (stateChanges.getFrom().getEnabled() &&
!stateChanges.getTo().getEnabled()) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage("Notifications Disabled!")
Log.i("Debug", "onOSPermissionChanged: " + stateChanges);
// Example Logcat entry - User disabling notifications then returning to your app.
// onOSPermissionChanged{"from":{"enabled":true},"to":{"enabled":false}}
// AppDelegate.swift
// Add OSPermissionObserver after UIApplicationDelegate
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, OSPermissionObserver {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Add your AppDelegate as an obsserver
OneSignal.add(self as OSPermissionObserver)
// Add this new method
func onOSPermissionChanged(_ stateChanges: OSPermissionStateChanges!) {
// Example of detecting answering the permission prompt
if stateChanges.from.status == OSNotificationPermission.notDetermined {
if stateChanges.to.status == OSNotificationPermission.authorized {
print("Thanks for accepting notifications!")
} else if stateChanges.to.status == OSNotificationPermission.denied {
print("Notifications not accepted. You can turn them on later under your iOS settings.")
// prints out all properties
print("PermissionStateChanges: \n\(stateChanges)")
// Output:
Thanks for accepting notifications!
from: <OSPermissionState: hasPrompted: 0, status: NotDetermined>,
to: <OSPermissionState: hasPrompted: 1, status: Authorized>
// AppDelegate.h
// Add OSPermissionObserver after UIApplicationDelegate
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, OSPermissionObserver>
// AppDelegate.m
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Add your AppDelegate as an obsserver
[OneSignal addPermissionObserver:self];
// Add this new method
- (void)onOSPermissionChanged:(OSPermissionStateChanges*)stateChanges {
// Example of detecting anwsering the permission prompt
if (stateChanges.from.status == OSNotificationPermissionNotDetermined) {
if (stateChanges.to.status == OSNotificationPermissionAuthorized)
NSLog(@"Thanks for accepting notifications!");
else if (stateChanges.to.status == OSNotificationPermissionDenied)
NSLog(@"Notifications not accepted. You can turn them on later under your iOS settings.");
// prints out all properties
NSLog(@"PermissionStateChanges:\n%@", stateChanges);
// Output:
Thanks for accepting notifications!
from: <OSPermissionState: hasPrompted: 1, status: NotDetermined>,
to: <OSPermissionState: hasPrompted: 1, status: Authorized>
OneSignal.Default.NotificationPermissionChanged += (current, previous) => {
if (current != NotificationPermission.NotDetermined) {
// do if user was prompted
OneSignal.addPermissionObserver(event => {
console.log("OneSignal: permission changed:", event);
OneSignal.shared.setPermissionObserver((OSPermissionStateChanges changes) {
// will be called whenever the permission changes
if (changes.to.status == OSNotificationPermission.authorized) {
//tells you that the user has fully authorized push permissions
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.addPermissionObserver(function(state) {
console.log("Notification permission state changed: " + state.hasPrompted);
console.log("Notification permission status: " + state.status);
//Currently not available, use the idsAvailableCallback and check if a pushtoken is provided to make sure the user is subscribed
Handling Subscription State Changes
- Web Push see
Event. - Email: see
Method. - SMS: see
The onOSSubscriptionChanged
method will be fired on the passed-in object when a notification subscription property changes.
This includes the following events:
- Getting a push token from Google or Apple
- Getting a subscription/user id from OneSignal
is called- User disables or enables notifications
The instance is given to your onOSSubscriptionChanged
method which provides what the value was ("from") and what the value is now ("to").
Any object implementing the OSPermissionObserver
and/or the OSSubscriptionObserver
protocols can be added as an observer. You can call removePermissionObserver
to remove any existing listeners.
OneSignal uses a weak reference to the observer to prevent leaks.
public class MainActivity extends Activity implements OSSubscriptionObserver {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
public void onOSSubscriptionChanged(OSSubscriptionStateChanges stateChanges) {
if (!stateChanges.getFrom().getSubscribed() &&
stateChanges.getTo().getSubscribed()) {
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setMessage("You've successfully subscribed to push notifications!")
// get subscription ID
Log.i("Debug", "onOSSubscriptionChanged: " + stateChanges);
Example Logcat entry - User disabling notifications then returning to your app.
"to": {"userId":"22712a53-9b5c-4eab-a828-f18f81167fef","pushToken":"APA91bG9cmZ262s5gJhr8jvbg1q7aiviEC6lcOCgAQliEzHKO3eOdX5cm7IQqMSWfy8Od7Ol3jSjFfvCfeO2UYUpanJCURJ8RdhgEuV8grYxOCwPNJr5GoqcWTQOaL9u-qE2PQcFlv4K","userSubscriptionSetting":true,"subscribed":true}}
// AppDelegate.swift
// Add OSSubscriptionObserver after UIApplicationDelegate
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate, OSSubscriptionObserver {
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Add your AppDelegate as an obsserver
OneSignal.add(self as OSSubscriptionObserver)
// Add this new method
func onOSSubscriptionChanged(_ stateChanges: OSSubscriptionStateChanges!) {
if !stateChanges.from.subscribed && stateChanges.to.subscribed {
print("Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!")
// get player ID
print("SubscriptionStateChange: \n\(stateChanges)")
// Output:
Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!
from: <OSSubscriptionState: userId: (null), pushToken: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 userSubscriptionSetting: 1, subscribed: 0>,
to: <OSSubscriptionState: userId: 11111111-222-333-444-555555555555, pushToken: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, userSubscriptionSetting: 1, subscribed: 1>
// AppDelegate.h
// Add OSSubscriptionObserver after UIApplicationDelegate
@interface AppDelegate : UIResponder <UIApplicationDelegate, OSSubscriptionObserver>
// AppDelegate.m
@implementation AppDelegate
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
// Add your AppDelegate as an obsserver
[OneSignal addSubscriptionObserver:self];
// Add this new method
- (void)onOSSubscriptionChanged:(OSSubscriptionStateChanges*)stateChanges {
// Example of detecting subscribing to OneSignal
if (!stateChanges.from.subscribed && stateChanges.to.subscribed) {
NSLog(@"Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!");
// get player ID
// prints out all properties
NSLog(@"SubscriptionStateChanges:\n%@", stateChanges);
// Output:
Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!
from: <OSSubscriptionState: userId: (null), pushToken: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 userSubscriptionSetting: 1, subscribed: 0>,
to: <OSSubscriptionState: userId: 11111111-222-333-444-555555555555, pushToken: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000, userSubscriptionSetting: 1, subscribed: 1>
//Push State Changes
OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionStateChanged += (current, previous) => {
var pushToken = current.pushToken;
var pushEnabled = !current.isPushDisabled;
//Email State changes
OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionStateChanged += (current, previous) => {
var emailSubscribed = current.isSubscribed;
//SMS State Changes
OneSignal.Default.SMSSubscriptionStateChanged += (current, previous) => {
var smsSubscribed = current.isSubscribed;
OneSignal.addSubscriptionObserver(event => {
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed event:", event);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from userId:", event.from.userId);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to userId:", event.to.userId);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from pushToken:", event.from.pushToken);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to pushToken:", event.to.pushToken);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from isPushDisabled:", event.from.isPushDisabled);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to isPushDisabled:", event.to.isPushDisabled);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed from isSubscribed:", event.from.isSubscribed);
console.log("OneSignal: subscription changed to isSubscribed:", event.to.isSubscribed);
//More details: https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/flutter-sdk#section--setsubscriptionobserver-
OneSignal.shared.setSubscriptionObserver((OSSubscriptionStateChanges changes) {
//will be called whenever the OS subscription changes
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.addSubscriptionObserver(function (state) {
if (!state.from.subscribed && state.to.subscribed) {
console.log("Subscribed for OneSignal push notifications!")
// get player ID
console.log("Push Subscription state changed: " + JSON.stringify(state));
//Currently not available, use the idsAvailableCallback and check if a pushtoken is provided to make sure the user is subscribed: https://documentation.onesignal.com/docs/xamarin-sdk#section--idsavailablecallback-
MethodLanguage is detected and set automatically through the OneSignal SDK based on the device settings. This method allows you to change that language by passing in the 2-character, lowercase language code. See Supported Languages.
//Requires SDK 3.16.0+
//Requires SDK 3.6.0+
//Requires SDK 3.6.0+
[OneSignal setLanguage:@"es"];
//Requires SDK 4.2.0+
//Requires SDK 3.2.0+
MethodFor GDPR users, your application should call this method before initialization of the SDK.
If you pass in true
, your application will need to call provideUserConsent(true)
before the OneSignal SDK gets fully initialized. Until this happens, you can continue to call methods (such as sendTags()
), but nothing will happen.
//to require the user's consent before the SDK initializes
//to require the user's consent before the SDK initializes
[OneSignal setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent:true];
OneSignal.Default.RequiresPrivacyConsent = true; // before init
// Will delay initialization of the SDK until the user provides consent
await OneSignal.shared.setRequiresUserPrivacyConsent(true);
//will delay initialization of the SDK until the user provides consent
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
//will delay initialization of the SDK
//make sure to call before init()
Consent Granted
If your application is set to require the user's privacy consent, you can provide this consent using this method. Until you call provideUserConsent(true)
, the SDK will not fully initialize, and will not send any data to OneSignal.
public void onUserTappedProvidePrivacyConsent(View v) {
//will initialize the OneSignal SDK and enable push notifications
@IBAction func userTappedProvideConsentButton(_ sender : UIButton) {
//this will complete the initialization of the SDK
- (IBAction)setEmailButtonPressed:(UIButton *)sender {
//this will complete the initialization of the SDK
[OneSignal consentGranted:true];
OneSignal.Default.PrivacyConsent = true;
if (OneSignal.Default.PrivacyConsent) {
// user provided consent
function userTappedProvideConsentButton() {
// Will initialize the SDK and register for push notifications
// the SDK will now initialize
await OneSignal.shared.consentGranted(true);
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.userProvidedPrivacyConsent((providedConsent) => {
//if providedConsent == true, it means the SDK has been initialized and can be used
PrivacyConsentButton.TouchUpInside += delegate
//the SDK will now be initialized
Location Data
MethodDisable or enable location collection (defaults to enabled if your app has location permission).
Note: This method must be called before OneSignal initWithLaunchOptions
on iOS.
[OneSignal setLocationShared:false];
OneSignal.Default.ShareLocation = true;
await OneSignal.shared.setLocationShared(false);
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
//Our Web SDK does not track location, you can setup the browser to track this and tag the user with the latitutde and longitude
MethodReturn a boolean that indicates location shared state (defaults to true if your app has location permission).
boolean locationShared = OneSignal.isLocationShared();
let locationShared = OneSignal.isLocationShared()
BOOL locationShared = [OneSignal isLocationShared];
var locationShared = OneSignal.Default.ShareLocation;
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.isLocationShared(function(shared) {
MethodRecommended: use OneSignal's In-App Message Soft-Prompt before displaying the Native Alert. Details: Location Opt-In Prompt.
Prompts the user for location permissions to allow geotagging from the OneSignal dashboard. This lets you send notifications based on the device's location. See Location-Triggered Notifications for more details.
Make sure you add location permissions in your AndroidManifest.xml
and/or info.plist
// Make sure you add one of the following permissions
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATION" />
//These are examples of how you may setup the app. See Apple's Guide on this: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/corelocation/requesting_authorization_for_location_services
// Example plist image: https://i.imgur.com/OZDQpyQ.png
<string>Your message goes here</string>
<string>Your message goes here</string>
<string>Your message goes here</string>
<string>Your message goes here</string>
On Android, you need to add the location dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-location:YOUR_PLAY_SERVICES_VERSION'
Finally, don't forget to call the prompt location method
[OneSignal promptLocation];
// Calling promptLocation
await OneSignal.shared.promptLocationPermission();
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
Push Notifications
Push Prompting
iOS requires prompting users for permission to show push notifications that make sound and "pop-up" on the screen. iOS also supports Provisional Push Notifications which are delivered directly to the device's notification center.
Android 13+ requires prompting users for permission to show push notifications. This is different behavior from previous Android versions. More details in our Android 13 Push Notification Developer Update Guide.
You can display this prompt using the OneSignal SDK in 2 ways:
- Recommended: use OneSignal's In-App Message Soft-Prompt before displaying the Native Alert. Details: Prompting for Push Permissions Guide.
- Programmatically Trigger the Native Alert Prompt with the OneSignal SDK
OneSignal.promptForPushNotifications(userResponse: { accepted in
print("User accepted notifications: \(accepted)")
[OneSignal promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse:^(BOOL accepted) {
NSLog(@"User accepted notifications: %d", accepted);
OneSignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(response => {
console.log("Prompt response:", response);
OneSignal.shared.promptUserForPushNotificationPermission().then((accepted) {
print("Accepted permission: $accepted");
OneSignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(function(accepted) {
console.log("User accepted notifications: " + accepted);
window.plugins.OneSignal.promptForPushNotificationsWithUserResponse(function(accepted) {
console.log("User accepted notifications: " + accepted);
Notification Events & Payload
OneSignal Provides methods for handling notifications received and clicked/opened events. Details and discussion on implementation and Notification Payload in SDK Notification Event Handlers.
To send notifications to users, we recommend using the Create notification REST API docs, or Messages Dashboard.
MethodRecommended for scheduling notifications in the future to the current user.
User Targeting Warning
You can only use
as a targeting parameter from your app. Other target options such astags
require your OneSignal App REST API key which can only be used from your server.See the Create notification REST API POST call for a list of all possible options.
Parameter | Type | Description |
parameters | JSONObject, NSDictionary*, JSONString, Callback | Contains notification options, see our Create notification POST call for all options. |
try {
OneSignal.postNotification(new JSONObject("{'contents': {'en':'Test Message'}, 'include_player_ids': ['" + "userId" + "']}"),
new OneSignal.PostNotificationResponseHandler() {
public void onSuccess(JSONObject response) {
Log.i("OneSignalExample", "postNotification Success: " + response.toString());
public void onFailure(JSONObject response) {
Log.e("OneSignalExample", "postNotification Failure: " + response.toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {
let content: [String : Any] = [
//"content_available" : true,
//"send_after" : "2021-10-20 14:58:49 GMT+3",
"contents": ["en": "Contents Example"],
"headings": ["en": "Headings Example"],
"include_player_ids": [osPlayerId],
"data" : ["action" : "custom_action"]
OneSignal.postNotification(content,onSuccess: {
osResultSuccessBlock in print(osResultSuccessBlock.debugDescription)
onFailure: {
osFailureBlock in print(osFailureBlock.debugDescription)
[OneSignal postNotification:@{
@"contents" : @{@"en": @"Test Message"},
@"include_player_ids": @[@"3009e210-3166-11e5-bc1b-db44eb02b120"]
var pushUserId = OneSignal.Default.PushSubscriptionState.userId;
var pushOptions = new Dictionary<string, object> {
["contents"] = new Dictionary<string, string> { ["en"] = "Test Message" },
["include_player_ids"] = new List<string> { pushUserId },
["send_after"] = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(30).ToString("U")
var result = await OneSignal.Default.PostNotification(pushOptions);
if (result != null)
const { userId } = await OneSignal.getDeviceState();
const notificationObj = {
contents: {en: "Message Body"},
include_player_ids: [userId]
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(notificationObj);
OneSignal.postNotification(jsonString, (success) => {
console.log("Success:", success);
}, (error) => {
console.log("Error:", error );
var status = await OneSignal.shared.getPermissionSubscriptionState();
var playerId = status.subscriptionStatus.userId;
await OneSignal.shared.postNotification(OSCreateNotification(
playerIds: [playerId],
content: "this is a test from OneSignal's Flutter SDK",
heading: "Test Notification",
send_after: DateTime.now().add(Duration(minutes: 30)).toUtc().toIso8601String();,
buttons: [
OSActionButton(text: "test1", id: "id1"),
OSActionButton(text: "test2", id: "id2")
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.getIds(function(ids) {
var notificationObj = { contents: {en: "message body"},
include_player_ids: [ids.userId]};
function(successResponse) {
console.log("Notification Post Success:", successResponse);
function (failedResponse) {
console.log("Notification Post Failed: ", failedResponse);
alert("Notification Post Failed:\n" + JSON.stringify(failedResponse));
using OneSignalPush.MiniJSON;
private static string oneSignalDebugMessage;
void someMethod() {
// Just an example userId, use your own or get it the devices by calling OneSignal.GetIdsAvailable
string userId = "b2f7f966-d8cc-11e4-bed1-df8f05be55ba";
var notification = new Dictionary<string, object>();
notification["contents"] = new Dictionary<string, string>() { {"en", "Test Message"} };
notification["include_player_ids"] = new List<string>() { userId };
// Example of scheduling a notification in the future.
notification["send_after"] = System.DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(30).ToString("U");
OneSignal.Current.PostNotification(notification, (responseSuccess) => {
oneSignalDebugMessage = "Notification posted successful! Delayed by about 30 secounds to give you time to press the home button to see a notification vs an in-app alert.\n" + Json.Serialize(responseSuccess);
}, (responseFailure) => {
oneSignalDebugMessage = "Notification failed to post:\n" + Json.Serialize(responseFailure);
function IdsAvailable(userID, pushToken)
if (pushToken) then
local notification = {
["contents"] = {["en"] = "test"}
notification["include_player_ids"] = {userID}
native.showAlert( "DEBUG", "POST OK!!!", { "OK" } )
local json = require "json"
native.showAlert( "DEBUG", "POST NOT OK!!!", { "OK" } )
local json = require "json"
/* Title (defaults if unset) */
"OneSignal Web Push Notification",
/* Message (defaults if unset) */
"Action buttons increase the ways your users can interact with your notification.",
/* URL (defaults if unset) */
/* Icon */
/* Additional data hash */
notificationType: 'news-feature'
[{ /* Buttons */
/* Choose any unique identifier for your button. The ID of the clicked button is passed to you so you can identify which button is clicked */
id: 'like-button',
/* The text the button should display. Supports emojis. */
text: 'Like',
/* A valid publicly reachable URL to an icon. Keep this small because it's downloaded on each notification display. */
icon: 'http://i.imgur.com/N8SN8ZS.png',
/* The URL to open when this action button is clicked. See the sections below for special URLs that prevent opening any window. */
url: 'https://example.com/?_osp=do_not_open'
id: 'read-more-button',
text: 'Read more',
icon: 'http://i.imgur.com/MIxJp1L.png',
url: 'https://example.com/?_osp=do_not_open'
MethodAndroid only. iOS provides a standard way to clear notifications by clearing badge count. There is no specific OneSignal API call for clearing notifications.
//Currently not available
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
//Not available
MethodThe user must first subscribe through the native prompt or app settings. It does not officially subscribe or unsubscribe them from the app settings, it unsubscribes them from receiving push from OneSignal.
You can only call this method with true to opt out users from receiving notifications through OneSignal. You can pass false later to opt users back into notifications.
// Android SDK version 4.x.x
//Android SDK version 3.x.x
// iOS SDK 3.x.x use
// iOS SDK 2.x.x use
// iOS SDK 3.x.x use
[OneSignal disablePush:true];
// iOS SDK 2.x.x use
[OneSignal setSubscription:false];
OneSignal.Default.PushEnabled = false;
// RN SDK 4.x.x use
// RN SDK 3.x.x use
// Flutter SDK 3.x.x use
await OneSignal.shared.disablePush(true);
// Flutter SDK 2.x.x use
await OneSignal.shared.setSubscription(false);
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
& EnableSound
& EnableSound
MethodsThese methods were designed for Android but stopped working in Android 8+ due to a breaking change. To customize going forward, use Android Notification Categories (Channels).
MethodOnly available on Android Native SDK. If notifications are disabled for your app, unsubscribe the user from OneSignal.
Use case: if notifications are disabled for your app and you still want background notifications to work, pass in false.
REMOVED - Stopped working in Android 8+ due to a breaking change.
To customize going forward, use Notification Categories (Channels).
Method (iOS)
Method (iOS)This method can be used to set if launch URLs should be opened in safari or within the application. Set to true
to launch all notifications with a URL in the app instead of the default web browser. Make sure to call setLaunchURLsInApp
before the setAppId
OneSignal.Default.SetLaunchURLsInApp(true); // before Initialize
Parameter Type | Description |
Bool | Boolean indicates if launch URLs should be opened in safari or within the application. |
Live Activities
Live Activities are a type of interactive push notification. They were designed by Apple to enable iOS apps to provide real-time updates to their users that are visible from the lock screen and dynamic island.
Live Activity support comes with OneSignal iOS SDK version 3.12.3 or above.
Live Activities do not need explicit user approval. A developer may start and update a Live Activity via any method without an explicit prompt (unlike Notification Permission or Location Permission). Live Activities appear with the iOS Provisional Authorization UI.
Developer Guidelines
As with any iOS development, we recommend Apple’s developer guidelines.
According to Apple’s guidelines, applications should give users the option to opt-in to Live Activities. For example, an app can give a user an option to start a Live Activity through it’s UX, such as as a button or in-app. Live Activities must be started when the application is in the foreground.
Enter a Live Activity
Entering a Live Activity associates an activityId
with a live activity temporary push token
on OneSignal's server. The activityId is then used with the OneSignal REST API to update one or multiple Live Activities at one time.
Parameter | Type | Description |
activityId | String | A customer defined identifier that gets assisted with the temporary push token on OneSignal's server. When the customer uses the update endpoint they will send this activityId to specify which push tokens they would like to update. NOTE: activityId cannot contain any / (forward slash) characters. |
token | String | A Live Activity temporary push token. |
usage with context:
// ... your app's code
let activity = try Activity<OneSignalWidgetAttributes>.request(
attributes: attributes,
contentState: contentState,
pushType: .token)
Task {
for await data in activity.pushTokenUpdates {
let myToken = data.map {String(format: "%02x", $0)}.joined()
// ... required code for entering a live activity
OneSignal.enterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", withToken: myToken)
OneSignal.enterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token, (res: object) => {
loggingFunction("enterLiveActivity completed with result: ", JSON.stringify(res));
OneSignal.shared.enterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token).then((v) {
print("Successfully enter live activity");
}).catchError((error) {
print("Failed to enter live activity with error: $error");
window.plugins.OneSignal.enterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token);
var result = OneSignalSDK.DotNet.OneSignal.Default.EnterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token);
if(result) {
var result = OneSignalSDK.Xamarin.OneSignal.Default.EnterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token);
if(result) {
OneSignal.Default.enterLiveActivity("my_activity_id", token);
Exit a Live Activity
Exiting a Live activity deletes the association between a customer defined activityId
with a Live Activity temporary push token
on OneSignal's server.
OneSignal.exitLiveActivity("my_activity_id", (res: object) => {
loggingFunction("exitLiveActivity completed with result: ", JSON.stringify(res));
OneSignal.shared.exitLiveActivity("your_activity_id").then((v) {
print("Successfully exit live activity");
}).catchError((error) {
print("Failed to exit live activity: $error");
In-App Messages
In-App Messages do not require any code to get started, but if you would like to setup custom triggers to display the In-App Message under certain conditions and track IAM lifecycle events, we have SDK methods for you!
See our In-App Message SDK Methods for details.
OneSignal's Mobile and Web SDKs provide methods for collecting emails, logging out emails, and tracking email subscription changes.
See the Email SDK Methods guide for more details.
If you have a backend server, we strongly recommend using Identity Verification with your users. Your backend can generate an Email authentication token and send it to your app.
OneSignal's Mobile and Web SDKs provide methods for collecting phone numbers, logging out phone numbers, and tracking sms subscription.
See the SMS SDK Methods guide for more details.
If you have a backend server, we strongly recommend using Identity Verification with your users. Your backend can generate an SMS authentication token and send it to your app.
Updated 16 days ago