Email SDK Methods
How to set up email messaging on your app or website
If you have not done so, we always recommend updating the OneSignal SDK to the latest version to get access to the latest features:
Email vs Push Records
Email and Push subscribers will have separate OneSignal Player IDs (user records). This is to manage the case where a user opts-out of one you can still send messages to the other. Email records cannot get push notifications and push records cannot get emails.
Note on Network Latency
If there are networking issues, functions may take 30+ seconds to return. In the code examples below we provide callbacks to track when these return.
Make sure to keep functions from blocking the user interface, otherwise your app may appear unresponsive to the user.
Setting the Users Email
MethodAllows you to set the user's email address with the OneSignal SDK. We offer several overloaded versions of this method.
It is best to call this when the user provides their email. If setEmail
called previously and the user changes their email, callingsetEmail
again will update that record with the new email address.
OneSignal.push(function() {
.then(function(emailId) {
// Callback called when email have finished sending
console.log("emailId: ", emailId);
OneSignal.setEmail("", null, new OneSignal.EmailUpdateHandler() {
public void onSuccess() {
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "SetEmail Successful");
public void onFailure(OneSignal.EmailUpdateError error) {
OneSignal.onesignalLog(OneSignal.LOG_LEVEL.VERBOSE, "SetEmail Failed with error: " + error.toString());
OneSignal.setEmail("", withSuccess: {
print("email set successfully")
}, withFailure: {error in
print("os setEmail error: \(error!.localizedDescription)")
[OneSignal setEmail:@""];
var result = await OneSignal.Default.SetEmail("");
if (result) {
else {
OneSignal.shared.setEmail(email: "").whenComplete(() {
print("Successfully set email");
}).catchError((error) {
print("Failed to set email with error: $error");
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
If you have a backend server, we strongly recommend using Identity Verification with your users. Your backend can generate an email authentication token and send it to your app or website.
External User Id Setup
Recommendation: call
again within thesetEmail
callback to link the records together.
Logout Email
MethodIf your app or website implements logout functionality, you can call logoutEmail
to dissociate the email from the device:
OneSignal.push(function() {
[OneSignal logoutEmail]
var result = await OneSignal.Default.LogoutEmail();
if (result) {
else {
OneSignal.logoutEmail(function(successResponse) {
//Successfully logged out of email
}, function(error) {
//Failed to log out of email
await OneSignal.shared.logoutEmail();
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.logoutEmail(function(successResponse) {
//Successfully logged out of email
}, function(error) {
//Failed to log out of email
// Optionally, you can also use callbacks
OneSignal.Current.LogoutEmail(() => {
//handle success
}, (error) => {
//handle failure
Listening for subscription changes
Tracks changes to email subscriptions (for example, if the user sets their email, or logs out). In order to subscribe to email subscription changes, you can implement the following:
Event Object Property | Type |
email | string |
//Now, whenever the email subscription changes, this method will be called:
OSEmailSubscriptionObserver subscriptionObserver = new OSEmailSubscriptionObserver() {
public void onOSEmailSubscriptionChanged(OSEmailSubscriptionStateChanges stateChanges) {
OneSignal.add(self as OSEmailSubscriptionObserver)
//Now, whenever the email subscription changes, this method will be called:
func onOSEmailSubscriptionChanged(_ stateChanges: OSEmailSubscriptionStateChanges!) {
[OneSignal addEmailSubscriptionObserver:self];
//Now, whenever the email subscription changes, this method will be called:
-(void)onOSEmailSubscriptionChanged:(OSEmailSubscriptionStateChanges *)stateChanges {
OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionStateChanged += (current, previous) => {
var emailSubscribed = current.isSubscribed;
// Requires React Native SDK 4.x
OneSignal.addEmailSubscriptionObserver((event) => {
console.log("OneSignal: email subscription changed: ", event);
//Requires Flutter SDK 3.x
(OSEmailSubscriptionStateChanges changes) {
print("OneSignal: email subscription changed: ${changes.jsonRepresentation()}");
// Ionic 5 Capacitor may need to use (window as any).plugins.OneSignal
window.plugins.OneSignal.addEmailSubscriptionObserver(function(stateChanges) {
//Email subscription state changed
let newEmailAddress =;
let newUserId =;
//Currently not available
OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionStateChanged += (current, previous) => {
var emailSubscribed = current.isSubscribed;
OneSignal.on("emailSubscriptionChanged", event => {
const { email } = event;
console.log("email: ", email);
MethodWeb only - Returns a Promise
that resolves to the stored OneSignal Player ID of the Email Record if one is set using the setEmail
method. Otherwise the Promise resolves to null
. If the user isn't already subscribed, this function will resolve to null
Once created, the Email Record Player ID will not change. If the user unsubscribes from web push, for example by clearing their browser data, you should call setEmail
with the same email as before to maintain the same Email Record Player ID and tie it to the new Push Player ID.
Callback function sets the first parameter to the stored Email Record's OneSignal Player ID if one is set, otherwise the first parameter is set to null.
OneSignal.push(function() {
OneSignal.getEmailId(function(emailId) {
console.log("OneSignal Email ID:", emailId);
// (Output) OneSignal Email ID: 270a35cd-4dda-4b3f-b04e-41d7463a2316
// Both examples are valid
OneSignal.push(function() {
OneSignal.getEmailId().then(function(emailId) {
console.log("OneSignal Email ID:", emailId);
// (Output) OneSignal Email ID: 270a35cd-4dda-4b3f-b04e-41d7463a2316
var emailState = OneSignal.Default.EmailSubscriptionState;
var emailUserId = emailState.emailUserId;
var emailAddress = emailState.emailAddress;
Updated over 1 year ago