watchOS & Wear OS support

Setup OneSignal within standalone Apple and Android Watch Apps

Apple watchOS Setup

If the iOS Mobile App is synced to the watchOS App, notifications sent to the device will also pop-up on the watch. Also, if you have a standalone watchOS app, you can implement push notifications independently. OneSignal doesn't currently have an SDK for standalone watchOS apps, but you can set this up within OneSignal as follows:

Implement the Apple WatchKit WKExtension with the registerForRemoteNotifications method. This will get the APNs push token for the watch device.

Setup the WKExtensionDelegate to get the APNs push token within the didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method from the watch.

Create the subscription within OneSignal using the Add a device API using the following properties:

  • identifier: the APNs push token generated within the Watch
  • device_type: 0 for iOS
  • external_user_id: to identify the user in which this subscription belongs
  • test_type only if testing on a development or ad-hoc build
  • Any other properties are optional

Once the device is registered you can send push notifications from OneSignal to watch directly.

Android Wear OS setup

The OneSignal Android Native SDK will work on your Android Wear OS App.

You can build custom notification layouts and wearable-only actions following the Android Developer Notifications on Wear OS docs.