In-app message reports

OneSignal In-App Message delivery and statistics

When opening an in-app message report, you will see the high-level statistics for how the in-app message is performing. You can find In-App Message Reports Stats by going to Messages > In-App and selecting a message.

High-level statistics for an in-app message.

This example shows: (24.0k) unique clicks, 24.4k total clicks.

  • Click-Through Rate is measured by ((Clicks of all blocks - Close Button)/Impressions) * 100%
  • Total Clicks is the number of times a button block, image block, or background was clicked. It does not include the "Close Button" clicks.
  • Impressions is the number of times a card within the message was displayed. A carousel message will have multiple cards but not all cards may be viewed by each user.
  • Card is the view or page of the message. Important when using carousels.
  • Block is the element of the message.

Message Statistics

A graph of message events by block over a 30 day, 24 hour, or 1 hour period. This can be filtered by platform and exported via the dashboard.

This data is presented on a per-card, per-block basis. Displaying how many times a block was clicked per card and the click-through rate (CTR).

Audience Activity

See which mobile subscriptions viewed (impression) or clicked a block within the message. Audience activity is available for 30 days from the time the message is displayed.

Note: If a user has viewed or clicked on the same message twice, their latest interaction will replace the previous one.


Why are there fewer clicks than impressions?

In-App Messages can be "swiped away" or automatically dismissed after a certain amount of time has passed. See Advanced Settings.

Why are there more clicks than impressions?

Multiple blocks can be clicked on the same impression of an In-App Message.

Why do I see "Deleted" blocks?

If you add/remove/update a card or block of an In-App Message, it will delete the old blocks and add new ones. The old blocks will be labeled with "Deleted" and keep their current impression and click data.

For example, a "Deleted body", "Deleted Element" and/or "Deleted close_button" means a change occurred in the IAMs body/text and close blocks.