Analytics charts available with OneSignal for tracking Subscriptions and Outcomes.
On the Dashboard, OneSignal offers high-level reporting on trends that are critical to understanding the effectiveness of your Message Strategy. In this guide you will learn about the
- Subscription Trends chart
- Global Outcomes chart
You can learn about Engagement Trends in the Engagement Analytics documentation
Subscription Trends
The OneSignal Dashboard displays the amount of total subscription records, monthly active subscriptions, and opted-in subscriptions by channel. Additionally it has a Subscription Trends chart to help you understand significant trends in your subscribed rate for current and past periods.

Report Availability
Subscription Trends have a timeseries lookback available starting October 20, 2023. Prior data is a static count.
Charts in the Subscription Trends report
Name | Description |
Total Subscribes | Total count of devices, emails, and phone numbers that are subscribed to receive messages. Subscribed push devices may reduce after sending a message, as this informs us that the user has revoked push permission or uninstalled the application. |
New Subscribes | Count of all new devices, emails, and phone numbers, in the selected time period, that are now accessible to message. Paid Plan required. |
New Unsubscribes | Count of unsubscribed devices, emails, and phone numbers, in the selected time period, that have been previously accessible to message. This includes unsubscribes and device uninstalls. Paid Plan required. |
OneSignal allows you to track various Outcomes (events or actions) resulting from messages. This includes tracking things you care about like event counts (e.g. how many users purchased a product), sums (useful for tracking revenue), or unique events (counted only once).
Global Outcomes Chart
Outcomes can be viewed on the main dashboard under Global Outcomes.
To see outcomes for a specific push and email messages sent, you can click into the Message Report for a message.

The Global Outcomes Chart on the dashboard.
To export the table data, you can click Export.
Report availability
Messages sent from the OneSignal app keep their Outcome data forever. Messages sent via the API have a 30-day retention of outcomes before being purged.
Outcome Types
There are 3 types of Outcomes included when you start using OneSignal:
Outcome | Description |
Clicks | Tracks number of clicks/opens on a push or email message. Clicks are always measured with direct attribution. |
Confirmed Delivery | The number of devices that successfully received the message. See Confirmed Delivery for more details. Paid plan required. |
Sessions | Represented as either a count of sessions, or a sum of cumulative sessions (in seconds) resulting from a push message. OneSignal only counts a session after the user has left the app for over 30 seconds. If a user has fully quit your app or website and reopens it, the session data will apply to Session. If the app or website is still in the background, and the user brings it to the foreground, a new session will not apply. Professional plan required. |
Custom Outcomes
Additionally, you can set up custom outcomes such as purchase amount, action taken by the user, or any other outcome of interest. These are configured in your app's code. To learn more, read Custom Outcomes.
Outcomes can be attributed to a message directly from a click or influenced by a message received. This depends on if a session is created when a message is clicked to open the app or website from being closed. If a message is not clicked or received when the outcome is triggered it is an unattributed outcome.
If a user has the app or site open and clicks the message, a session is not created and the Outcome will be influenced. Similarly, if up to 10 messages are sent and never clicked, but the user performs the Outcome within the specified time period (default 24 hours), then up to all 10 messages will track the outcome as influenced.
Clicks (count) will always be directly attributed to a message and do not rely on a session.
Attribution | Description |
DIRECT | The Outcome happened during a session that was created due to a clicked push. |
INFLUENCED | The Outcome was registered within the influenced timer period of the push but didn’t occur during a session directly initiated from a push. Note: Only the 10 most recently sent messages (per device) get influenced attribution |
UNATTRIBUTED | The Outcome was registered outside of a message click and the influenced time period. It therefore is not associated with any specific message. |
Direct Attribution
The push message was clicked, the app or website opened from a new session (app or website not open in the past 30 seconds) and the user performed the action which triggered the Outcome.
Influenced Attribution
Influenced outcomes are recorded when a user receives a message within a set time period, and they open the app or website directly instead of clicking the message. This outcome will include data for the most recent 10 messages sent from OneSignal.
For example:
The influenced time period is set to 24 hours and you send 15 messages that day. The user does not click any messages but opens the app during that 24 hour time period.
- The most recent 10 messages update the Session Duration count and sum.
- If you also specified a Custom Outcome, like the user buys a product, then the last 10 messages will also show that Custom Outcome in the Outcomes Table.
By default, the influenced time period is set to 24 hours. To adjust the influence time period Settings > Messaging > Influenced Opens.
Changing the influenced time period will take affect on a per-device basis once each device opens the app from a brand new session. This new session is created after 30 seconds of being outside the app.
Disable Tracking For Certain Outcomes
To turn off tracking for certain outcomes, go to Settings > Messages and scroll down to the section entitled Outcomes Tracking. From here, you can click the Stop Tracking button to select an outcome to stop tracking in the dashboard. Once you have stopped tracking outcomes, you will see them listed here and can start tracking them again by clicking the Start Tracking link.

Outcomes FAQ
Can I export outcomes?
You can export a set of outcomes or all outcomes as a CSV. We also provide API access to outcomes for an individual message or for all messages.
What happens if a device is offline?
Data for fired outcomes are queued to be sent to OneSignal once the device is online again.
If a user backgrounds the app after clicking a message and then comes back to it, firing an Outcome, is it counted direct or influenced?
As long as the user returns to the app within 30 seconds after backgrounding it, the session will still be considered the original session and will get direct attribution.
What channels support custom outcomes
Currently custom outcomes be added to actions on Push and In-App Messages only.
Outcomes sent through In-App messages will show as "Unattributed" and will set a tag on the device in format:
outcome name : true
Why is Safari not logging outcomes?
Outcomes for web requires the use of service workers to track outcome events. Since Safari does not implement Service Workers in the same way as Chromium-based browsers, it will not track outcomes as Direct or Influenced, but will be tracked as Unattributed.
Updated 12 days ago