Live Activities: FAQ
Find out answers to your questions around Live Activities
General FAQs
Do I have access to Live Activities in my plan?
Live Activities are available on all plans except for Free plans with more than 10,000 opted-in subscribers. If you have more than 10,000 opted-in subscribers on a Free Plan, you can upgrade to use Live Activities. Feel free to reach out to Support if you require any more guidance or help with pricing.
What do the failures mean?
There are 2 types of failures - unsubscribed and errors.
- Unsubscribed: The device uninstalled the app and is no longer able to receive Live Activities. More details can be found in the Audience Activity.
- Error: There was an error communicating with the device. More details can be found on the specific error in the Audience Activity.
Can Live Activities deep link to a specific destination?
Yes they can deep link to a specific destination, but this will change the Live Activity initialization within the app. This means the deep link cannot change by Live Activity update.
How do I ensure users who are on a Live Activity do not get Push Messages?
Your application may already send a series of Push Notifications, where your designed Live Activity replaces these Push Notifications. For example, if you send score updates via Push, you could replace this through a Live Activity.
In order to ensure your users are not getting too many messages, we recommend as your user opts in for a Live Activity, to add a data tag. By adding this data tag, you can exclude users with this data tag from push messages that may contain the same or similar content. Read more on Data Tags and Segments.
The API returned a 400 with an error message stating I'm over the subscriber limit. What do I do?
If your push subscriber count is greater than the Push Subscribers for your plan, please upgrade your account to the next plan, or reach out to our Support team . For the latest plan details, please see here.
Where can I see Live Activities in the OneSignal Dashboard?
Live Activities can only be sent via our Live Activities API. However, you can view historically sent Live Activities (up to 30 days) in the dashboard in Sent Messages, after filtering for Live Activities. Here you will be able to see which Live Activities were sent, what updated information was sent, and the audience size that received the update.
How do my users get a Live Activity?
Users must be in the application and must click on a button prompting them to start a Live Activity. This could be a button in your UX that appears for an event or a modal such as an in-app message.
If your targeted users are not currently engaged with your application, you can re-engage them by sending a push notification, or another form of communication, such as email or SMS, to get them back into the application.
If your targeted users are now using the application, you can send an in-app as a way to initiate a Live Activity opt-in. In-Apps provide a low-code way to prompt users for action, without having to create dynamically changing UX.
Is there a way for OneSignal to deep link LA to a specific destination (e.g., the game) or is this something that needs to be instrumented from the app?
What devices work with Live Activities?
Apple keeps an updated compatibility guide with all devices that work with iOS 16+ and iPadOS 17+.
What is the budget for high-priority updates?
There is no explicit budget as the system dynamically determines this as a function of multiple variables such as battery and device state.
If budget is a concern, we strongly recommend considering enabling the NSSupportsLiveActivitiesFrequentUpdates capability. A user will only be presented with a dialog when the Live Activity exceeds its push budget, and if they allow the Live Activity to continue, the budget will automatically be increased for a seamless user experience.
Android FAQs
How do my users get a Live Activity?
Live Activities are an iOS feature, but you can achieve similar capabilities with Android Live Notifications . Push permission is required for users to receive a live notification on Android devices. This includes Android 13+.
Any more questions? Chat with us.
If you have any more questions or feedback on our implementation of Live Activities and what you'd like to see next, please reach out to our Support Team
Updated about 1 month ago