Push message reports

OneSignal Push Notification delivery and statistics

A push notification report reveals high-level stats, such as how the message was created, when it started sending, how long it took to fully send, and any throttling limits set.

Delivery Status

Delivery StatusDescription
DeliveredOneSignal has completed sending the message.
QueuedMessages are queued up in OneSignal and will be sent shortly.
SendingMessages are currently sending.
ScheduledMessages are scheduled to be delivered at the time based on Intelligent Delivery or Timezone option. They should be finished sending within 24 hours.
CanceledYou or a team member with access to your app has canceled the delivery of this message.
No RecipientsRecipients are no longer subscribed or no longer fit in the Segment when it was originally scheduled.
FailedThe message failed to reach the recipient successfully.


API Message Data Retention Limit

Messages sent from the OneSignal API or Automated Messages are only saved for about 30 days.
You can export message data for your records through our API or Dashboard. See Exporting Data for more details.

High-level Stats

DeliveredThe number of messages that were sent from OneSignal to the Push Servers (Google (FCM), Apple (APNS), Huawei (HMS), etc.).
Click-Through-RateClick-Through-Rate (CTR) is measured by (total clicks/delivered) * 100%
Confirmed CTRConfirmed Click-Through-Rate (CCTR) is measured by (total clicks/confirmed delivered) * 100%
Influenced OpensThe number of notifications that were confirmed received but were not clicked and the app/site was visited shortly after. This count depends on the Influenced Opens time period set within Settings > Analytics.

Outcomes Statistics

Graph over the last 30 days of how many clicks, sessions and other Outcomes were counted. See Outcomes for more details.

Image showing Outcome graph along with custom outcomes

Image showing Outcome graph along with custom outcomes

Delivery & Platform Statistics

Delivery & Platform statistics provides feedback on how the message performed.

Total SentThe number of devices targeted to be sent the message.
DeliveredThe number of notifications successfully sent to Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc server. This does not necessarily mean the devices have received these notifications.
ConfirmedThe number of devices that successfully received the notification. See Confirmed Deliveries for more details.
UnsubscribedA failure reason. The number of devices that were unreachable and likely due to being unsubscribed from push notifications. Once a device has been detected as unsubscribed, it will be marked as unsubscribed and future notifications will not be sent to it unless it re-subscribes to notifications again.

Older, inactive subscriptions, may also become unsubscribed by Google FCM expiring the device token.
FailedThe number of devices that did not get a notification due to an error. See What are Failed Notifications? for more details.
RemainingThe number of devices that have not received the notification yet. These would be for notifications sent using Intelligent Delivery or Timezone optimizations.
CappedThe number of notifications that were not sent due to your frequency capping settings. See Frequency Capping for more details.

Audience Activity

The Audience Activity provides a detailed list of subscriptions and their results including:

  • Sent
  • Confirmed delivery
  • Did not confirm delivery
  • Clicked
  • Did not click
  • Failed
  • Unsubscribed

To export a full list of subscriptions in your message audience, you can click Export.

You may also choose to retarget a specific audience based on activity data to send another message. See Retargeting Messages for more details.

Image showing audience activity

Audience activity of a Push Report (with sensitive information grayed out)

If one of the line items has "()" in the Device column, this means this subscription was deleted.

Message Settings

The Message Settings is a visual of all data sent within the message including which segments or filters were used to target and the total number of recipients (number of subscriptions targeted).


What are Failed Notifications?

There are 2 types of failed notifications.

1. Unsubscribed

This means the device has unsubscribed from receiving push notifications and is no longer reachable. Once a device has been detected as unsubscribed, it will be marked as unsubscribed and future notifications will not be sent to it unless it re-subscribes to notifications again. This number is included in "Total Sent".

More details in Detecting Unsubscribes.

2. Failed

This is the number of devices that did not get a notification due to an error.
For Mobile Push: There are many reasons for a failure. A failure often means the FCM keys on Android or the Bundle ID on iOS have changed from what these devices originally subscribed under. You may need to restore previous settings to fix this.

ErrorTroubleshooting StepsType
SenderIdMismatchFCM v1 Sender ID is different than expected. In the dashboard, go to Settings > Platform > Google Android (FCM) to check that your Project ID matches your project in Firebase.FCMv1
Not Found: Requested entity was not found.FcmV1InvalidToken - Ensure FCM credentials are correct.FCMv1
"None" or "Missing"Permission Denied: Firebase Cloud Messaging API had not been used in project ----- before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting your project in Firebasehttps://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/fcm.googleapis.com/overview?project=XXXXXX then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.FCMv1
AuthenticationErrorUpdate your Google Android (FCM) settings to the latest FCMv1 API by following these instructions.GCM
DeviceTokenNotForTopicFor iOS: MismatchedApnsBundle - Ensure iOS credentials are correct within the OneSignal iOS Settings.APNs, FCMv1
TopicDisallowedEnsure the iOS p8 credentials are correct within your OneSignal iOS Settings. Your Team ID, Key ID and/or Bundle ID do not match the p8 file uploaded.
app has invalid configuration: App has an expired certificate!Update your APNS configuration in Settings > Platforms > Apple iOSAPNs
404 Not Found: NotFoundA valid push subscription endpoint should be specified in the URL (i.e. bad push token)Web

Web Push - Failures generally happen when you change one of the following:

  • the domain of your site or adding the same domain to another App ID
  • the notification data exceeds 4KB
  • there was a temporary issue with the Google Servers

For additional help, please contact [email protected] with your OneSignal App ID and any recent major changes you made to your site.