
List of OneSignal Events



This event is triggered when the user's notification permission status changes.

Handling The Event

Provide a callback to the addPermissionObserver function.

Notifications.addPermissionObserver(new NotificationPermissionObserver() {
  void onNotificationPermissionChanged(boolean permission) {
    if (permission) {
      // User just accepted notifications or turned them back on! 🙂
    } else {
      // User just turned off notificaitons. 😢

// Android - Kotlin
class MyNotificationPermissionObserver : OSNotificationPermissionObserver {
  func onNotificationPermissionChanged(permission: Bool) {
    if (permission) {
      // User just accepted notifications or turned them back on! 🙂
    } else {
      // User just turned off notificaitons. 😢

let myObserver = MyNotificationPermissionObserver()
Notifications.addPermissionObserver(observer: myObserver)

OneSignal.addPermissionObserver(e => {
  if (e.permission) {
    // User just accepted notifications or turned them back on! 🙂
  } else {
    // User just turned off notificaitons. 😢

Notifications.PermissionChanged += onNotificationPermissionChanged;
void onNotificationPermissionChanged(object sender, NotificationPermissionChangedEventArgs e)
  if (e.permission)
    // User just accepted notifications or turned them back on! 🙂
    // User just turned off notificaitons. 😢

Event Properties

You may access the following properties on the permissionChanged event.

permissionBoolIndicates whether the user opted into receiving notifications. Notifications will only be delivered if this property is true.


This event is triggered when the user taps on a notification.

Handling The Event

Provide a callback to the setClickListener function.

Notifications.addClickListener(new NotificationClickListener() {
   void onClick(NotificationClickEvent e) {

OneSignal.setClickListener(e => {
  // Handle notification click event here

Notifications.Clicked += onClick;
void onClick(object sender, NotificationClickEventArgs e)

Event Properties

You may access the following properties on the clicked event.



This event is triggered right before a notification is presented to the user.

Handling The Event

Provide a callback to the setWillDisplayListener function.

OneSignal.setWillDisplayListener((event) => {
  // Handle notification will display event here

Event Properties


In-App Message


This event is triggered when a user taps on an In-App Message.

Handling the event

Provide a callback to the setInAppMessageClickHandler function.

OneSignal.setInAppMessageClickHandler((event) => {
  // Handle in-app message click event here

Lifecycle events

  • willDisplay - Triggered right before a message is presented to the user.
  • didDisplay - Triggered right after a message is presented to the user.
  • willDismiss - Triggered right after a user dismisses an event and before the message is closed
  • didDidmiss - Triggered right after a message is closed

Handling lifecycle events

  willDisplay: (event) => {
    // Handle in-app message will display event here
  didDisplay: (event) => {
    // Handle in-app message did display event here
  willDismiss: (event) => {
    // Handle in-app message will dismiss event here
  didDismiss: (event) => {
    // Handle in-app message did dismiss event here

Push Subscription