Web Slide Prompt

OneSignal Slide Prompt Details: Customizations, Triggering, and FAQ

The OneSignal Slide Prompt displays top-down center of the browser on desktop and bottom-up center on mobile. This is the most attention-grabbing prompt offered by OneSignal and is shown before the required Native Browser Prompt.

This prompt is used to gauge user interest and add Data Tags. It cannot replace the Native Browser Prompt.

  • Desktop (Firefox/Chrome) and Android Chrome versions of Slide Prompt

Slide Prompt Customizations

IconRecommended size 256 x 256 pixels
TextCharacter Count:

- Action Message: 90 characters
- Buttons: 15 characters
Text color, size, font and links currently not available.
Category Tags10 Max Categories/Tags. Can be triggered anytime.
Delayed PromptsSet Delay for:

- Total Page Views
- Time on page
Prompts can be triggered programmatically as well for more control.
Color, Size, Font, Add Links, LocalizationComing Soon

Add Slide Prompt Icon

Set the icon in your OneSignal Dashboard > Settings > All Browsers configuration > Default Icon URL. You can upload an image or paste a URL to the icon file.

Icon file must be .png or .jpg and at least 80x80 pixels (Recommended size is 256x256 pixels for Safari's requirements).

If you do not have a Default Notification Icon URL set, OneSignal will show a generic bell icon. This can always be changed later

Category Tags

The Category Slidedown works just like the regular Slide Prompt, except it also allows subscribers to opt-in or out of notification categories set as Data Tags.

There is a maximum 10 categories/tags that can be set within the prompt. Subscriptions will be opted-in to all categories by default unless they uncheck the appropriate boxes. Unchecking certain boxes by default is not currently supported.

See Category Prompt for more details.

Setup Slide Prompt

Navigate to Settings > All Browsers > Permission Prompt and select Push Slide Prompt. If you don't see it, select Add Prompt > Push Prompt to select it.

Customizable options for Slide Prompt.

Customize slide prompt textAllows editing the message and button text. Not currently supported: Changing Font, Bold, Italicize, Color, adding links.
Auto-promptShow the prompt without additional code. Adds a delay on showing the prompt based on both time and/or number of page views.
Page ViewsAmount of times the user visits a URL of your site with the OneSignal code.
0 or 1 page view is the first time they visit the site.
SecondsAmount of time that needs to pass while the user is on the page of your site with the OneSignal code for the prompt to show.
0 seconds means show as soon as possible (after the site loads).
300 seconds means show after 5 minutes.
CategoriesTurns on Category Slidedown feature. See Category Prompt for more details.

You can combine Page Views and Seconds together. For example, if your common user visits your home page, another page and a 3rd page, you can set: 3 page views and 30 seconds. The prompt will show on the 3rd page and after 30 seconds has passed.

When ready, press Done and Save on the next page to update the settings.

WordPress Setup (click to expand)

Currently, you will need to add some Javascript to the site to customize the prompts.

See WordPress Customizations for details.

Custom Code Setup (click to expand)


The Custom Code Slidedown option schema change

As we add new slidedown types, we want you to be able to customize each prompt individually. Moving forward, you will have the ability to set text and delays for each specific prompt.

Note that previous schemas will always remain backwards compatible.

Slidedown configuration is now passed in via an array of options named prompts. Each element in the array corresponds to a specific slidedown type:

"slidedown": {
  "prompts": [{...}, {...}, {...}]

If you list multiple options of the same type, the first one in the array of that type will be used.

Slide Prompt Options:

    // Your other init options here
    promptOptions: {
      slidedown: {
        prompts: [
            type: "push", // current types are "push" & "category"
            autoPrompt: true,
            text: {
              /* limited to 90 characters */
              actionMessage: "We'd like to show you notifications for the latest news and updates.",
              /* acceptButton limited to 15 characters */
              acceptButton: "Allow",
              /* cancelButton limited to 15 characters */
              cancelButton: "Cancel"
            delay: {
              pageViews: 1,
              timeDelay: 20
    // END promptOptions, continue with other init options

Category Slidedown with Custom Code

See Category Prompt for more details.

Triggering the Prompt

The Slide Prompt can be shown to users automatically with Delayed Prompts.

You can also trigger these prompts programmatically if you want more control of when they are shown. Toggle off the Auto-prompt switch in Typical Setup or remove the delay code from Custom Code Setup. Then use the following functions to show the prompts:

Show Slidedown Prompt methodOneSignal.Slidedown.promptPush()

Note: If you need to override back off behavior to prompt the user again you can do so by passing {force: true} example: OneSignal.Slidedown.promptPush({force:true}). To provide a good user experience however ONLY do this from an action taken on your site to avoid unexpected prompts.

Slide Prompt FAQ

How many times does the slide prompt show?

Please follow this link for more details.

How do I show the prompt in different languages?

This will require the Custom Code Setup. When you detect the browser language with your own setup code, you can initialize OneSignal with the language you want to show.

Why isn't my Slide Prompt showing up?

Even if you trigger OneSignal.Slidedown.promptPush(), it may not always show the message. The message will not be shown if any of the following are true:

  • The user previously dismissed the message by clicking the "No Thanks" button
  • The user is already successfully subscribed to notifications
  • You have manually opted out the user via our OneSignal.User.PushSubscription.optOut() method
    • If you've intentionally disabled a subscription's permissions by calling setSubscription(false), you must manually opt the user back in by calling OneSignal.User.PushSubscription.optIn() our drop-down prompt will not show.

If the prompt is not shown, the OneSignal.Slidedown.promptPush() method returns a Promise that resolves to a string value briefly describing why the prompt was not shown. You may also enable debug logging for the SDK via OneSignal.Debug.setLogLevel('trace'); to see explanations of why the prompt is not shown.

How to track Slide Prompt Events?

The OneSignal Web SDK has the Slide Prompt Event Methods to detect when it shows on the screen, when it is closed, and the "Allow" or "Cancel" action.