Data Collected by the OneSignal SDK
List of data collected by OneSignal SDK
The following are data fields that the OneSignal SDK collects automatically, manually, and/or through user permission. To customize which data is collected and how to manage user consent for data collection, please read our guide on Handling Personal Data. Most data can be exported from the Dashboard or API.
Data that can be used to target audiences by Segments:
Data | Description |
First Session Time | The date & time the user first used the app / visited the website (UTC). |
Last Session Time | The date & time the user most recently used the app / visited the website (UTC). |
Session Count | The number of times the user has used the app / visited the website. |
Total Usage Duration | The number of seconds the user has ever interacted with the app, as recorded whenever the app is in the foreground. |
Device OS | The operating system of the device / browser. |
Device Rooted | ANDROID - Whether the user has a rooted device. iOS - Whether the user has a jailbroken device. |
Device Language | The language the device / browser reports. Can also be set with the SDK language methods. |
Timezone | The most recent timezone the device / browser was in. Timezone is tracked based on IANA TZ format. |
Country | The most recent country the device / browser was in (ISO 3166-2 format). |
Push Status | Whether the device / browser has push notifications enabled or disabled. |
App Version | MOBILE - The version of the app the most recent session reported the user running. |
In App Purchases | MOBILE - Consumable Purchases made by the user in the app while our SDK was active. |
The following data the OneSignal SDK collects that is not able to be segmented:
Data | Description |
Google Advertising ID and Apple's IDFA & IDFV | Not collected in OneSignal Android Native SDK 4.0+, iOS Native SDK 3.0+, Flutter SDK 3.0+, React Native SDK 4.0+, Cordova/Ionic SDK 3.0+, Unity SDK 3.0+, Xamarin SDK 4.0+. MOBILE - The Google Ad Id and Apple IFV are used for device matching. See Users & Subscribers Guide for more details. |
Your Application Identifier | MOBILE - The package name of your mobile application. |
Cellular Carrier | MOBILE - The name of the cellular carrier used by the device. |
Device Model | The model name of the device / browser. |
IP Address | The IP address the device / browser is visiting from. This is not stored on our servers if the user is in the EU. See handing IP Address Tracking for more details. |
web_auth and web_p256 | Web Push Subscription Tokens available for export from our API CSV export. |
Push Tokens | Mobile App and Web Push Tokens added to the device by FCM or APNs. |
Data OneSignal Automatically Collects that can be disabled client side
The following data the OneSignal SDK collects if your app asks for and receives permission from users:
Data | Description |
Location | MOBILE - GPS coordinates of the device. Location tracking must be turned on and accepted by the user. Sending location to OneSignal can be disabled. |
Data Manually Sent to OneSignal
The following data you may manually send to OneSignal. See Handling Personal Data for more details.
Data | Description |
Our SDKs support sending us the user's email address if you wish to use OneSignal to deliver emails to users. | |
Phone Number | Our SDKs support sending us the user's phone number if you wish to use OneSignal to deliver SMS to users. |
Tags | You can send any additional data to us about a user as a tag. |
Web SDK Browser Storage
Identifiers, Purpose and Type of browser storage used:
Identifier Name | Purpose | Type |
ONE_SIGNAL_SDK_DB | Storing user preferences in connection with notification permission status. | IndexedDB dictionary, on customer’s domain. |
os_pageViews ,isOptedOut ,isPushNotificationsEnabled | Prompting and subscription tracking | Local Storage |
onesignal-pageview-count ,ONESIGNAL_HTTP_PROMPT_SHOWN | Prompting | Session Storage |
Updated 5 months ago