Huawei Xamarin SDK Setup
Follow these instructions if your app is distributed on the Huawei AppGallery.
Step 1. Requirements
- OneSignal Account
- OneSignal App ID, available in Settings > Keys & IDs
- Authorize OneSignal to Send Huawei Push
- A Huawei device with "Huawei App Gallery" installed
Step 2. Setup the OneSignal Xamarin SDK
Follow the OneSignal Xamarin SDK setup guide. Firebase / Google setup not required for app builds released to the Huawei AppGallery. You will need to move the initialization code later in the guide.
Step 3. Huawei Setup
3.1 Preparing the Development Environment
See Huawei's Preparing the Development Environment.
Step 4. Using HMS Core SDK in Android App
5.1 Integrate HMS Core SDK and move OneSignal initialization to the OnCreate method.
- Example package structure for
, andHmsLazyInputStream.cs
code snippet for setting HMS configuration usingHmsLazyInputStream.cs
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using Com.Huawei.Agconnect.Config;
using Com.OneSignal.Sample.Shared;
using System;
namespace Com.OneSignal.Sample.Droid
[Activity(Label = "Com.OneSignal.Sample.Droid", MainLauncher = true, Icon = "@mipmap/icon")]
public class MainActivity : Activity
protected override void AttachBaseContext(Context context)
// Read the agconnect-services.json so that the config is set for Huawei to register for a pushToken
AGConnectServicesConfig config = AGConnectServicesConfig.FromContext(context);
// Refer to Huawei docs or below on how to create your HmsLazyInputStream class
config.OverlayWith(new HmsLazyInputStream(context));
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
// Init OneSignal through a Shared class, easier to init for both Android and iOS applications
code snippet for parsingagconnect-services.json
using Android.Content;
using Com.Huawei.Agconnect.Config;
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace Com.OneSignal.Sample.Droid
public class HmsLazyInputStream : LazyInputStream
public HmsLazyInputStream(Context context) : base(context)
public override Stream Get(Context context)
// Trying to read agconnect-services.json file
return context.Assets.Open("agconnect-services.json");
catch (Exception e)
// Failed to read agconnect-services.json file
return null;
- HMS error code reference to help debug logs and successfully integrate HMS Core SDK with the OneSignal SDK.
Keystore Signature
- Keystore Signing Certificate for Visual Studio
- Huawei Signing Certificate Usage
- You may need to create a debug or release keystore signature (choose the correct app build path,
) so that a6003
error is avoided when registering for HuaweipushToken
with the OneSignal SDK.
- You may need to create a debug or release keystore signature (choose the correct app build path,
Updated about 2 months ago