Windows App SDK Setup

Instructions for adding the OneSignal SDK to your Windows app

Step 1. Requirements

Step 2. Setup

OneSignal does not currently provide a dedicated UWP SDK, however, you can leverage our API to create and update device records within OneSignal and send push notifications.

Please refer to Microsoft's WNS documentation for more details on how Windows Push Notification Service works.

Once your app is within the Windows store, get the Microsoft App's "Package SID" and "Secret Key" (more details).

In your OneSignal app, navigate to Settings > Windows (UWP) platform and paste the Package SID and Secret Key and follow the prompts.

Step 3. Register Subscription

Follow Microsoft's docs on getting a notification channel. The channel URI is the identifier for OneSignal.

Call OneSignal's Add a device API with a device_type of 6 to represent the Windows WNS platform, and pass in the channel URI for the identifier parameter. You can include any other parameters within this endpoint. We recommend using the external_user_id property to identify the user's record.

Step 4. Send Messages

You can send push notifications using the OneSignal dashboard or Create notification API. More details, see Sending Push Messages.

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