Account Management
Adding, removing, deleting, renaming Apps and Organizations. Setting up Account Administrators.
When you sign up with OneSignal we create a user account which is tied to your email address. With your account, you can create, invite, or be invited to Apps & Organizations. OneSignal has 2 levels of account access:
- App Level Access
A OneSignal App houses relevant messaging data for your mobile and web applications, such as user data, message data, and custom application configurations.
These team members only have access to the App(s) in which they are invited.
No billing or account upgrade options.
- Organization Level Access
A OneSignal Organization can hold multiple Apps along with billing information and Account Access setting.
These team members have access to all Apps within the Organization.
Only Admin Roles have access to billing or account upgrade options.
App and Organization levels have even more granular access depending on your role. For example, if your company has several apps and you are the Product Manager or Developer for each app, you likely need an Admin role with Organization-level access so you can get the REST API keys and setup your platform configuration. If you are a Marketer that only sends messages from a couple different apps, then you may only need an Editor role with App-level access. If you mostly just need to view stats for all apps, then you can be a Viewer role with Organization-level access.
Details on each Role can be found in Manage Team Members.
Invite your team
If your company already has a OneSignal App or Organization, email the account admin to ask to be invited.
Share the Manage Team Members Doc to help them give you access faster 😉.
Reset OneSignal Account Password
If you forgot your password, use the Forgot Password link to reset your password.
If you have access to your OneSignal Dashboard, select the bottom-left user icon > Account & API Keys.
Enter a new password, confirm the password and select Submit.

Reset OneSignal Account Email
In the bottom-left of your OneSignal Dashboard, select the user icon > Account & API Keys.
In the E-MAIL field, enter a new email and press Submit. You will get an email to your current email to confirm the change. Check your spam folder if you do not get this email.

Delete Your OneSignal Account
Deleting your own user account from OneSignal will only delete your specific email from our database. It will not delete Apps or downgrade your Paid Plan. Before deletion, make sure to do the following:
- Downgrade to free if on a paid account - deleting your account does not downgrade you to free automatically.
- Delete Apps - make sure to delete the data if no one else on your team is using it and you don't want the data stored in OneSignal.
In the bottom-left of your OneSignal Dashboard, select the icon > Account & API Keys.
Scroll to the bottom and select "Delete your account". If you have a paid plan, make sure to Downgrade your account first.

I am on the paid plan. Why am I still seeing limitation notices?
If you're already on a paid plan and are receiving account limitation notices, chances are your app/website isn't a part of your paid plan organization.
To remedy this, please follow the instructions to Add an App to your Organization
If you need assistance, please email [email protected] with your Full Company Name and a list of OneSignal App IDs you would like added to your Organization and we will process this for you.
I run an agency, what are my options?
OneSignal is setup to have an Organization (the Parent) that controls payments and OneSignal Apps (children) that control the data from the site and/or mobile apps.
Since our pricing is based on total subscribers per app added to an Organization, you have 2 options:
- you can setup your account with us under your Organization to hold all your client's OneSignal apps and you handle payment.
- you or your clients can setup their own apps and organizations to pay us directly (if they need a paid account).
In either case, you can separate which apps need to be "free" and which ones need to be "paid" by simply adding the "paid" ones under the Organization.
If you need further clarification, please reach out to our sales team and tell us about your needs!
Updated 15 days ago