Senders are the foundation of your email sending deliverability. Each sender consists of two key components:

  1. Sender Identity: The name and email address that recipients see in their inbox
  2. Domain: The sending domain that establishes your sending reputation

Note: If you are using an ESP provider other than OneSignal, sender must be managed directly through your ESP's platform.

Setting up another sender

  1. Navigate to Settings > Email > Senders
  2. Click "New Sender"
  3. Enter a sender name and sender email that you'd like for your users to see in their inbox
  4. Enter your sending domain (we recommend using a subdomain) and configure your records (How to configure your DNS records) Note: It may take a couple minutes to auto-configure your domain.
  5. Start sending with your new identity by going to Messages > New Email > Sender and selecting your sender from the dropdown.

Default sender


Best Practices

We strongly recommend creating at least two senders: one for transactional emails, and one for marketing emails. This separation helps protect your transactional email deliverability from being affected by marketing email performance.