URLs, Links and Deep Links

Linking to internal and external URIs

This guide explains how to open to a specific page of your app or website using push notifications. For options using Email or SMS, please go to Email Links and Click Tracking or Sending SMS Messages.

Launch URL

The Launch URL or url property on our API should be an https:// URL that opens a webpage or a custom URI like your-app:// that your app is setup to detect and handle programmatically usually through:

If you are sending to both a website and mobile app subscriptions, you can set a different URL for web and mobile app with the web_url and app_url parameters on the dashboard or API.

Default Processing of Launch URL

Sending a Launch URL with https:// links will have the following behavior. Note that Apple requires HTTPS URLs for iOS unless you update the App Transparency Security Settings.

PlatformDefault Behavior
AndroidWill prompt to open default browser.
iOSWill open default browser.
WebWill link the user to the URL upon push click.
More details in Advanced Notification Options

Suppressing Launch URLs

This section discusses how to prevent the Launch URL from opening a browser. If you want to keep this functionality, then see below Deep Linking with Additional Data instead.

Native Android SDK version 4.2.0+, in AndroidManifest.xml add com.onesignal.suppressLaunchURLs.
Setting the value to true will not launch the url in a browser. Allows you to handle programmatically.
Setting the value to false will launch the url in a browser.

<meta-data android:name="com.onesignal.suppressLaunchURLs" android:value="true"/>

Native iOS SDK version 3.2.1+, in Info.plist add OneSignal_suppress_launch_urls.
Setting the value to true will not launch the url in a browser. Allows you to handle programmatically.
Setting the value to false will launch the url in a browser.


Deep Linking

Linking to specific pages of your app through push works best with a custom URI that your app is setup to detect and handle programmatically usually through iOS URL Schemes and Android Intent Filters. It is not recommended to use iOS Universal Links or Android App Links with push notifications.

It is recommended to create a custom scheme specific for your app like your-app-name://the-identifier-for-the-page-to-go-to.

Deep Linking With Additional Data

Using Additional Data or the API data parameter, you can pass some data into the notification and handle it programmatically within the SDK Notification Opened Handler and the additionalData property.

Link into the app store

You can enter the store link as the launch URL. Examples:

Android - https://developer.android.com/distribute/marketing-tools/linking-to-google-play.html
iOS - grab the link to the app store page, but replace https:// with itms-apps://.

Link into another app

In most cases, you can setup a URL Scheme and deep link using the protocol x://

For example, deep linking into Whatsapp, you can use: whatsapp://wa.me/15551234567

Dynamic URLs

Variables can be set within the Launch URL through Data Tags. See Custom URLs for details.

No Linking

Currently on mobile apps, anytime the user clicks the push it will open the app.

Web Push: If you do not want to link to any page or url, you can add ?_osp=do_not_open to the end of a URL like this https://yoursite.com/page?_osp=do_not_open as the launch url, this will prevent the push from going to any url upon click and will just dismiss the push.

UTM Parameters

See our guide on UTM Parameters for details.