Push message reports

OneSignal Push Notification delivery and statistics

Push message reports detail your message stats, such as how the message was created, when it started sending, how long it took to fully send, and any throttling limits set.

Push message report high-level stats.

Push message report high-level stats.

Delivery statistics & outcome definitions


The number of Subscriptions in the segments. All the subscriptions in the included segments minus duplicates and those in the excluded segments.


The number of notifications that were not sent due to your frequency capping settings. See Frequency capping for details.

Click-Through Rate

Click-Through Rate (CTR) is calculated by dividing Total Clicks by the Delivered count.


The number of users that clicked the notification that lead to opening the app.


The number of devices that sent us a received confirmation for this message. Note that a few factors may impact this count. See Confirmed Delivery for details.

Confirmed CTR

Calculated by dividing Total Clicks by the Confirmed Delivered count. Note that a few factors may impact this count. See Confirmed Delivery for details.


The number of messages successfully sent to the push services (FCM/Google, APNS/Apple, HMS/Huawei, WNS/Microsoft, etc.). This does not necessarily mean the devices have received these notifications.


The message failed to be sent due to some kind of error. Common errors and troubleshooting steps can be found in the table below.

ErrorTroubleshooting StepsType
SenderIdMismatchFCM v1 Sender ID is different than expected. Check your Android: Firebase Credentials are setup correctly. Once correct, you will need to wait for these users to open the app again on the device for the push token to update.FCMv1
DeviceTokenNotForTopicThe subscription's iOS push token was generated for the Bundle ID set in Xcode for your app and does not match the Bundle ID in the p8 or p12 APNS authentication set in the OneSignal App. Check your iOS: p8 Token-Based Connection to APNs or iOS: p12 Generate Certificates setup to ensure the Bundle ID matches what is in Xcode.

If you imported iOS push subscriptions with the wrong token, delete those subscriptions. As users update the app to the version with OneSignal and open the app, our SDK update the push token for the correct Bundle ID in Xcode that should match what is uploaded in the OneSignal dashboard.
Not Found: Requested entity was not found.

The FCM v1 push token is invalid. Check your Android: Firebase Credentials are setup correctly. Once correct, you will need to wait for these users to open the app again on the device for the push token to update.FCMv1
"None" or "Missing"Permission Denied: Firebase Cloud Messaging API had not been used in project ----- before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting your project in Firebasehttps://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/fcm.googleapis.com/overview?project=XXXXXX then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.FCMv1
AuthenticationErrorUpdate your Google Android (FCM) settings to the latest FCMv1 API by following these instructions.GCM
TopicDisallowedCheck your iOS: p8 Token-Based Connection to APNs or iOS: p12 Generate Certificates setup to ensure the Bundle ID matches what is in Xcode. Your Team ID, Key ID and/or Bundle ID do not match the p8 file uploaded.APNs
app has invalid configuration: App has an expired certificate!Your p12 certificate is expired. Check your iOS: p8 Token-Based Connection to APNs or iOS: p12 Generate Certificates setup to ensure it is not expired.APNs
404 Not Found: NotFoundA valid push subscription endpoint should be specified in the URL (i.e. bad push token)Web
Bad Request (401 Unauthorized)The web server gave us a 401 without a status code. It is unclear if it accepted the request and sent the message or not. Retrying may result in the user getting the message more than once.Web

Influenced Opens

Influenced Opens are tracked when a user does not directly click on a notification received, but opens your app within the "Influenced time period" set in your OneSignal App's Settings > Push & In-app > Influenced Opens.


The number of notifications that are queued to be sent.


The number of subscriptions in the audience minus those that unsubscribed, failed, or were capped.


The number of subscriptions that could not be sent the message because the device has either:

  • Uninstalled the app (mobile subscriptions).
  • Cleared browser data (web push subscriptions).
  • Unsubscribed in the device settings and has not returned to the app or website. If the user unsubscribed then returned to the app or website, our SDK would detect this status change and update the subscription before the message was sent to the device.

Delivery status

  • Delivered: OneSignal has completed sending the message.
  • Queued: Message is being processed and will be sent shortly.
  • Sending: Message is currently sending.
  • Scheduled: Message is scheduled to be sent at a future time.
  • Canceled: The message has been canceled by a team member.
  • No Recipients: The target audience recipients are no longer subscribed or no longer fit the segment criteria when originally scheduled.
  • Failed: The message failed to be sent.

Message Statistics

Graph over the last 30 days of how many clicks, sessions and other Outcomes were counted. See Outcomes for more details.

Image showing Outcome graph along with custom outcomes

Image showing Outcome graph along with custom outcomes


API Message Data Retention Limit

Messages sent from the OneSignal API or Automated Messages are only saved for about 30 days.
You can export message data for your records through our API or Dashboard. See Exporting Data for more details.

Audience Activity

The Audience Activity provides a detailed list of subscriptions and their results including:

  • Sent
  • Confirmed delivery
  • Did not confirm delivery
  • Clicked
  • Did not click
  • Failed
  • Unsubscribed

To export a full list of subscriptions in your message audience, you can click Export.

If one of the line items has "()" in the Device column, this means this subscription was deleted.

Message Settings

The Message Settings is a visual of all data sent within the message including which segments or filters were used to target and the total number of recipients (number of subscriptions targeted).