Sent Messages

OneSignal Message delivery reports.

Within Delivery you can view your previously Sent and Scheduled Messages along with Outcomes. Here you can view individual message stats and export shown messages to csv.


Filter Messages

You can sort the listed messages using the following filter options. Select Advanced Filters to see all available options. When ready to filter, select Search.

Use Clear to remove all filter options.

Clicking Export will email you a csv of all current messages shown in the list.

SourceFilter by messages sent through the Dashboard, API, Automated, or Test Messages.
Device TypeFilter messages sent to different channels or platforms.
Text SearchSearch by message Content, Heading and name. Currently only available with Source: Dashboard Messages.
Start Date & End DateSelect a start date and end date to filter messages by. Filters based on "Sent At" date based on your current timezone.

Column Data

TypeShows the message channel.
MessageContents or main body of the message.
StatusThe Delivery Status of the message
Sent AtDate the message began sending. Timezone is based on your device's operating system.
DeliveryQuick stats on the Message Report.
SentHow many users the message was sent to.

Note: Automated Messages are sent out in batches of 10,000 notifications. This means if you are sending automated notifications to 36,000 users, you would see four distinct notifications - three with 10,000 users, and the fourth with 6,000 users.
ClickedPercentage of users that clicked on the message sent over successfully delivered.
Created ByHover mouse over to see the email of the administrator that sent the notification. If sent from the API we do not track who sent it.
ActionsCurrent Options:

- View the message report.
- Duplicate a push notification to update and re-send (Dashboard Notifications Only).
- Delete the message record (cannot be undone).

Delivery Status

Delivery status gives feedback on whether the message was successfully delivered, in the process of being delivered, or some issue with delivery to the push, email or sms servers.

DeliveredOneSignal has completed delivering the message to the push, email or sms servers.
QueuedMessages are queued up in OneSignal and will be sent shortly
SendingMessages are currently sending
ScheduledNotifications are scheduled to be delivered at the time based on Intelligent Delivery or Timezone option. They should be finished sending within 24 hours.
CanceledYou or a team member with access to your app has cancelled the delivery of this notification.
No RecipientsRecipients are no longer subscribed or no longer fit in the Segment when it was originally scheduled
FailedDevices did not receive the notification. Details see Failed Notifications


API Notification Data Retention Limit

Notifications sent from the OneSignal API or Automated Messages are only saved for about 30 days.
You can export notification data for your records through our API or Dashboard. See Exporting Data for more details.


A cumulative graph of Outcomes over the past 30 days, 24 hours or 1 hour. More details in the Outcomes guide.


You can toggle the graph by Platform and Attribution.

DIRECTThe Outcome happened during a session that was created due to a clicked push.
INFLUENCEDThe Outcome was registered within the Attribution Window (default 24 hours) of the push but didn’t occur during a session directly initiated from a push.

Note: Only the 10 most recently sent notifications (per device) get influenced attribution
UNATTRIBUTEDThe Outcome did not occur within a session started from a push click and did not occur during within the Attribution Window (default 24 hours) of a push.
TOTALThe Total (Direct + Influenced + Unattributed)

You can add and remove Outcomes from the graph/chart and export the data.
