SMS Unsubscribes

Handling opt-outs, unsubscribes, and resubscribes by text reply

SMS is a regulated channel that requires specific functionality for managing subscriptions. Handling opt-outs can either store the opt-out status as a suppression for that particular Sender number or sync the unsubscribe globally across all Senders.


Requirement: Syncing message replies on Senders is required

Ensure each sender is set up to sync incoming message replies in order to process Keywords. Navigate to Setings > SMS Settings > Senders to verify that message replies are synced correctly. If they are not, click More > Sync Message Replies.

If you do not have Message Replys synced, we will still stop sending to that recipient, but you will not be able to update their subscription status. Note that Alpha-numeric Senders can not recieve message replies.

Default Keywords

Start by navigating to Settings > Platforms > SMS Settings > Consent Keywords.

OneSignal provides default keywords for managing subscriptions. These are expected keywords to support common actions like subscribing, unsubscribing, and requesting help.

Editing Reply Messages or Keywords:

  • If sending via OneSignal, contact support to request changes.
  • If sending via Twilio, support will provide instructions on making changes and correctly reflecting them in OneSignal.


Opt-Out Keywords: Keywords like STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE, or CANCEL are used to manage opt-outs and ensure users are not sent unwanted messages.

Additional Actions

  • Sync as Unsubscribe Across All Senders:
    • On: When someone texts STOP, their subscription status will be updated to unsubscribed on their subscription profile. Attempting to send messages to them from any Sender will no longer be possible.
    • Off: The STOP command, or any opt-out keyword, will only prevent the recipient from receiving messages from that specific sender messaging service or number. They will appear as suppressed if you attempt to send them from the same sender again, but messages from different numbers may go through. This approach is recommended if you use multiple numbers, such as one for marketing and another for transactional purposes.


Re-Subscribe Keywords: Keywords like START, UNSTOP, or YES allow users to resubscribe to messages.

Resubscribing: Once someone is added to a suppression list for a sender, there is no way to remove that number from the suppression list via the OneSignal dashboard. The only method is for the recipient to resubscribe by texting a re-subscribe keyword to the same number. This action will update their subscription status to subscribed (if not already) and remove them from the suppression list for that sender.


Help Keywords: Keywords like HELP are used to provide users with additional information on how to manage their subscriptions.

Additional Information

  • Re-Subscribe Keywords: Ensure these keywords are intuitive for users to easily re-subscribe.
  • Opt-out Keywords: Provide clear instructions in your messages to users about how they can unsubscribe.
  • Help Keywords: Make sure your help response provides essential information and points users to further assistance if needed.

By configuring these settings, you can efficiently manage your SMS subscriptions, comply with regulations, and provide a seamless experience for your users.

For more information or assistance, please contact our support team at [email protected].