Journeys Examples

Common examples to get your journey started.

For additional Journey resources, please see:

Onboarding Journey

Entry RulesUser matches the segment criteria
Subscribed users, future additions only (you only want people who subscribe going forward, you don't want existing users to receive this)
Exit RulesThey moved through the entire journey
Re-entry RulesNo
ContentWelcome new users to your app or website, encourage them to accomplish certain tasks over the first several days or weeks

Onboarding Welcome Journey Example


Onboarding Welcome Journey Example

Re-engagement Campaign

Entry RulesUser is inactive for amount of time: 7 days
Subscribed users (you may want to exclude certain segments like paid customers if your goal is to get more free users coming back)
Exit RulesThey moved through the entire journey or meet certain conditions
Exit when user becomes active in your app/website
Re-entry RulesYes, after a certain amount of time: 7 days (you're fine for reengagement to happen every time they haven't opened your app in a while)
ContentRemind users to come back to your app when they haven't opened it in a while, entice them with rewards or discounts

Re-engagement Campaign Journey Example


Re-engagement Campaign Journey Example

Abandoned Cart

Entry RulesUser matches the segment criteria
Segment with a tag “cart_item”, and ensure to tag your users when they have items in their cart
Exit RulesThey moved through the entire journey or meet certain conditions
Exit when a user enters a segment (segment with “cart_item” empty (when a user completes their purchase then remove this tag)
Re-entry RulesYes, after a certain amount of time: 1 day (you're fine sending a user this campaign once daily, every time they abandon their cart)
ContentRemind users to come back and purchase the item they didn't complete checkout with. You might want to have different branches for different item categories or personas e.g. if they have purchased previously or not

Abandoned Cart Journey Example


Abandoned Cart Journey Example

Promotional Campaign

Entry RulesUser matches the segment criteria
Subscribed users or target the segment your promotional campaign is relevant to
Exit RulesThey moved through the entire journey or meet certain conditions
Select a segment that defines the goal you want to target e.g. users who purchased
Re-entry RulesNo (if this is a one-off campaign then send it once)
ContentPrepare them for the event, remind them when it starts, offer a discount or reward as it gets close to ending

Promotional Campaign Journey Example


Promotional Campaign Journey Example

Send Message After User Leaves App If Action Incomplete

Initial Setup

  1. Use Data Tags to mark that the action needs to be performed by the user. Remove the tag when the action is completed.
  2. Setup the Segment for this tag.
Journey SettingsOptionDescription
TriggerUser is inactive for amount of time.The amount time you want the user to be inactive before the message is sent.
AudienceInclude the segment you want to target with the tag.These are the users eligible to receive the message.
Exit RulesExit when user no longer matches the audience conditions.When the user leaves the segment, they will no longer be eligible for the journey message.
Re-entry RulesYes, after a certain amount of time.The amount of time you want to wait for the user to be eligible to get the message again.

Journey Steps:

  1. Send the desired message(s). This will send as soon as possible after the Trigger.
  2. Wait node set for x amount of time you want the user to wait for. This can be a high or low number depending on if you want the message to show again as a reminder. In the example, we use 104 weeks (2 years).

AB Test Within a Journey

Using a Split Branch node, you can set a 50/50 split within your journey. Create 2 different message templates and as your users flow through, half will get "Template A" and the other "Template B".

You can then export your message data to check the Analytics as desired.